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Speakers for 2018 include:



Elaine introduced  Margaret Davis from the State Emergency Services.  Margaret gave an excellent presentation explaining that the SES is run entirely by volunteers.  She is a Community Educator as well as being an Active volunteer.  The organisation was originally called the Civil Defence Organisation and all members receive training.  They respond to storms, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis. The main part of their work on the Peninsula is cutting down and removing trees and covering damaged roofs with tarpaulins.  Members were able to take away a very useful booklet, entitled Home Emergency Plan, a guide to making preparations for unexpected emergencies.




Topics for 2017 were:

Our Speakers Coordinator for 2017 Elaine, organised some interesting speakers on a wide variety of topics, sure to appeal to our members.

  • History of the Red Hill Show
  • Australia's Poetic History
  • Current season's fashions and colours
  • Help for the Over 50s
  • Lifestyle - Personal and Home Safety
  • Mornington and District Christmas Hampers
  • The Story of Stamps