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P.0. Box, LPO 6044, Cromer. 3193

President: Jon Halford 03 9598 4885

Secretary: Malcolm Finlayson 03 9589 2423

Treasurer:  Malcolm Finlayson 03 9589 2423


  For further information on membership please contact Lachie Mason 03 9584 4063


Probus Clubs provide a social focus for retired and semi-retired people. The monthly meetings and the range of other activities that the Clubs organise; provide opportunities to socialise and make new friendships and to expand leisure activities and further personal interests.

The first Probus Club was formed by a group of retired businessmen in England in the 1950’s. It has since spread to 15 countries. There are approximately 2,250 clubs with around 185000 members in Australia and New Zealand. Members are welcomed as visitors to all clubs.

The individual Clubs are essentially autonomous, however they are required to observe a small number of basic rules including being non-political and non-sectarian. Clubs may be single sex or mixed.

Fund raising is expressly excluded from the activities.


The Probus Club of Ricketts Point was founded in 1991. It is a mixed Club. The female/male ratio is approximately 3:1.

Membership is around 90 while attendance at the Meetings is normally around 70.

Operation of the Club is in the hands of a Management Committee elected annually by the members. The President holds office for a maximum of two years.

A monthly Newsletter that covers the program of events planned for the Club and social chit chat, is circulated at the monthly meeting. We try to ensure that Members who are absent receive a copy.


The Club meets at the Cheltenham Golf Club 35 Victor Ave Cheltenham from 9.30 am on the second Wednesday of each month except December and January when we run lunches only. Victor Ave is off Weatherall Rd.

The meetings start at 10.00 am and finish at 12.00 noon.

It opens with brief reports from the President, Secretary and Treasurer. Other members of the Management Committee report on social aspects including Tours, Theatre, Lunches & other planned activity.

Ten minutes is allotted to member speakers who present their chosen topic. 

A morning tea break of 20 min. occurs at 10.40. This provides oportunity to meet friends.

Very interesting Guest Speakers present topics of general interest from 11 am followed by questions and a presentation.

The atmosphere is informal with the emphasis on fellowship and fun. A light lunch is available.

We ask that members enter an apology if they are unable to attend. This helps us to keep track of their wellbeing.


We organize a wide range of activities to suit the interests of member including dine outs, theatre outings (local and city), as well as day tours of interesting places. We aim to run at least one extended tour every year. Costs are approximately $70 for day outings and approximately $700 upwards for several days coach travel including accommodation and most meals.

Members are welcome to bring friends and trips are sometimes shared between Clubs.

A Christmas dinner is held each year and is catered for at an approximate cost of $48 per head.


There is a membership form for prospective members to complete. Arrangements can be made to provide a proposer and seconder if you are not known to current members.

We suggest that you attend one or two of our meetings as a visitor to decide whether you would like to join. You can participate in any of our activities during that time.

Processing time for applications for membership is maximum of one month.


An entry fee of $15.00 is payable on the joining date. The Annual Subscription of $50.00 (2020) is also payable upon joining and then every March.

Persons joining between October and December pay half the Annual Subscription.

Those joining in February or March pay the full fee but that also covers the following Probus year of April through March.

We expect members to pay the annual subscriptions within three months of the March Annual General Meeting.

There is a charge of $3 per meeting to cover the tea/coffee served at the meeting break.



Ricketts Point presents an opportunity to make new friends & expand your leisure activities. Join us and enjoy the activities & fellowship the Club has to offer. 

 You are very welcome to attend one of our meetings where you will be greeted and looked after by a club member.  

 For further information please contact Lachie Mason Phone 9584 Fe 



P.0. Box, LPO 6044, Cromer. 3193

Issued: Feb 2020