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A trip to Curlewis Mini Golf

On February 15, members of the Combined Probus Club of Belmont Central travelled to Curlewis Mini Golf.

The forecast for that day was extreme heat, so they decided to start at 9.30 am instead of 10.30 am. Teams of two and three were formed, and off they went. Fortunately there was a lot of cloud cover, so they were able to enjoy their games without the glaring sun. Alison, Dianne, Robert, Carmel, Lucy, Ross, Vanessa and Bernie  all scored a hole in one, with Vanessa  scoring two hole in ones. It certainly was a “Hit & Giggle” type of morning, with lots of fun had by all. When everyone had finished they moved inside for coffee and cold drinks where Carmel, last year’s winner presented Dianne  with the trophy for overall winner of the day.

By the time they went for lunch at the Leopold Sportmans’ Club it was very hot so they were able to enjoy their meals in air-conditioned comfort.