AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


Restaurant Luncheons:

Periodically our Club will arrange a restaurant lunch for members and guests.  These usually coincide with celebrations such as Xmas and Xmas-in-July but can occur from time to time as decided by the Committee and membership.



Outings are arranged to places of interest to members.  These may include visits to farms, workshops, art galleries, concerts, a bus trips, etc.  Also, outings may be arranged for activities such as lawn bowls, croquet, ten pin bowling, etc.  Outings cover a wide variety of activities designed to stimulate the interests of members.


Garden Group:

Members enjoy fun and friendship whilst appreciating the delight of growing plants.  Activities are decided on by the Group and meetings are arranged on an adhoc basis depending upon seasons and available venues.  Activities may include:

Visits to flower shows

Visits to public Gardens

Visits to private Gardens

Visits to nurseries 


Art & Theatre Group:

Our Art Group share a mutual appreciation in artistic ability and expression in a range of medium.  Activities are planned  around art events that occur in the Great Southern  Activities may include:

Sketching Group

 Live theatre


Painting & sculpture exhibitions

Photography exhibitions

Craft shows

Sketching Group
