AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


                        Our main monthly meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each month

                                                          (excluding December)

                                      at the Uniting Church Hall - 105 High Street Berwick

                                                          commencing at 10:00am                                       

                   Come along for a coffee, listen to a guest speaker and follow up with lunch

    Guests and those wishing to have a look before joining are welcome to attend the

                                                  first three meetings at no cost

                                           and still enjoy the free coffee and cakes

                          Committee Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each Month

                                                             at Edrington Park

                          As of 2021 Joining Fee is $12:00     Annual Membership is $50:00

     Membership Officer: Lois White 0419 302 011        President:  Paulien George  0457 575 535

Club Contact Officer: Dave Mison 0409 845 324