AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Coromandel Valley Combined Probus Club Inc.


  • The Committee is made up of 10 or 11 members

  • President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, General Secretary, Minute Secretary, Treasurer, Guest Speaker Officer, Almoner, Outings Officer, Newsletter Editor and Registration Officer.

  • Auxiliary Committee are Public Officer, Historian, Auditor, Morning Tea managers and Book Swap organisers.

  • Generally, committee members volunteer for 2 years, half will be new members each year to ensure the continuity of the club and its values. We encourage all members to be a part of the Management Committee to have their say in the way the club is managed.

  • By continuing to elect new committee members the club has the ability to keep up with current trends, interests and ideas, ensuring that members are stimulated socially and mentally.