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The Guest speakers for the meeting on 3/6/19 is Simone Koster and Matt Gardan.

  • A short synopsis of the presentation:-

Life Story Live- Take a trip down memory lane with us & discover how easy it is to record your very own "timeline", answer easy background questions in "knowing me", & add regularly to your own "news feed". Thread.Care is an innovative app for any elder wishing to celebrate their life story..... Everyone has a Story to Tell.

  • Matt's Bio:-

Matt Gardan is the co-founder of Thread.Care an innovative app that allows carers and residents to connect through the power of story. Matt has worked in the digital field for the last 20 years and brings his knowledge and energy to the Aged Care space. We are all caring for people and the better you know those you care for the better you can care for them. Thread.Care provides an easy and intuitive way to document someone's life story.