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Apart from all tha regular events of Mool, Walking, Golf, Gardening and films. We have had the following trips and outing so far this year:-

AUSTRALIA DAY THEME MEETING – January 2024– thanks to all who contributed to making this themed day successful. Special thanks to Maria Catania who suggested we sing “We are Australian” and her leading the choir.

Games Day – Maribyrnong Park Bowls Club, 11am Thursday 14th June.

Christmas in July – Wednesday 18th July at Windy Hill. 

10 Melbourne Museum 26th July.

Sun Theatre – Wednesday 22nd August - $20 includes light lunch. 

Port Of Melbourne Tour – 27th September.

Ferry to Portarlington 25th October


TASMANIA TRIP – 24th May to 30th May 2018.

The idea of having a Probus group trip to Tasmania was sown on the 4th May 2016 when we had a day excursion to be shown around the Spirit of Tasmania. Our connection with Debbie from Spirit Travel and Tours progressed from then.

After much discussion, it was decided to propose a 6 night Tasmanian trip to our members. A minimum of 17 were required for the venture to proceed.

Secretary Margaret instigated regular dialogue with Debbie and Tony and a package was put to the members. Thinking that we may struggle to get the minimum number of 17, there was an amazing interest and in the end a total of 47 members (incl some friends) agreed to go on the venture.

On Thursday the 24th May 2018, we boarded the Spirit of Tasmania for our overnight trip across Bass Strait. Because of our numbers, Tony accompanied us as tour host. His customer service and organisation was superb and it was obvious that we were in for a good time in safe hands.

The trip overnight was interesting with some having the Buffet dinner, some having snacks from The Pantry, a quiet Boags or a Tasmanian chardonnay, some went to the cinema and the onboard small casino attracted one or two. Some ventured out on the deck as we passed through The Heads. It was so windy that one had to hold on tightly, very tightly!

But it was interesting as the ship rocked and rolled into Bass Strait. The cabins were small but the bunk was comfortable for a nap until we were woken up at about 5.45am to prepare to disembark.

Everything went smoothly and in no time, our luggage was aboard our bus.

Teddy, our driver, was excited to meet us and off we went.

Tony had arranged for us to have a huge breakfast at the Elizabethtown Bakery. This place was rocking at 7.30am and a varied menu was waiting for us. It was excellent.

We then headed off and visited most interesting places – Yarns at Deloraine – how good was that! Yarns is a large scale community art project of quilted, soft sculpture silk panels, one for each season, drawing you into the landscapes and lifestyles of the Meander Valley people.

Then we went to Woolmers Estate at Longford. Woolmer’s Estate is a unique and fascinating reflection of colonial life in Tasmania and is one of the most historically significant heritage properties in Australia. We learnt about the generations of the Archer family who were pioneers of the area. It was an incredible property.

A visit and tastings to the Tasmanian Gourmet Sauce Company at Evandale was enjoyed. A magnificent property and garden and view, quality sauces, savoury and sweet were tasted and bought!

We then went to our accommodation for the next 4 nights at the Launceston Country Club Villas. Outstanding accommodation.

Dinner was at the Casino Buffett. There was plenty to choose from including prawns and mussels, and heaps of sweets.

Our first full day was on the go from very early morning and a comfortable bed was most welcome.

We were up early Saturday morning and on the bus as we travelled to Hobart. Teddy took us on a tour of Hobart and then to Salamanca Market for a couple of hours. The market is huge and thousands of people wander about.

Secretary Margaret had the biggest thrill of her life at Essendon Central Probus Club Bulletin No 323 June 2018 10 Salamanca – even a bigger thrill than the 9th June 1973!!

She stalked and seduced Henry Terry, the most popular contestant on the recent My Kitchen Rules TV series. Cameras clicked as the two embraced.

On the return trip, we stopped at Ross, a quaint little town with a very nice bakery!!!

The scenery all along today’s trip was just beautiful, lush green, blue skies, gently undulating, cattle well fed and just a lovely trip.

Dinner was at “Bolters” – a la carte which was preordered before our arrival. Everybody looked very content after dinner.

Sunday we headed along the East Tamar Highway to Low Head via Georgetown, then east across to Bridport and then south to Scottsdale area where we had a picnic lunch at the old Legerwood railway station where there are numerous carvings from trees depicting memorials of locals from WW1. - see…/legerwoodcarvedmemori… - well worth the visit.

Then a very scenic trip back to Launceston. Scenery etc was worth today's trip. Then back to the Country Club for some prawns, baked ham, roast lamb, pavlova, etc etc. All 47 (I think) seem to be enjoying themselves.

Margaret Egan is enjoying the fruits of her huge effort in doing all the ground work to get this trip on the road, but she is missing Maisie!!

Monday was trip along the West Tamar Highway to Beauty Point and a tour of the Beaconsfield Mine where we appreciated the enormity of the rescue operation in 2006.

Again, the return trip to Launceston was spectacular with beautiful scenery along the way.

Tuesday morning we packed our bags in readiness for our return trip overnight. We visited Sheffield, admired the many murals and enjoyed morning tea at the bakery, before heading inland to Cradle Mountain. For the first time in our trip the weather was not the best with grey skies and some rain. It was a little chilly but again the scenery about Dove Lake and the surrounding areas was stunning. We were provided information about the early settlers in the area and noticed a wombat or two busily enjoying some freshly watered grass.

We then commenced our trip towards Devonport and with no fuss at all boarded the Spirit for our overnight trip across Bass Strait, arriving back in Melbourne about 6am, and returned to our homes.

I heard a rumour a lot went to bed when they got home and slept for hours. We were on the go from the start but what a great time was had by all.

Movies at Highpoint

Coach Trip to Euroa and Nagambie

Visit to Overnewton Castle including Devonshire Tea.

Sun Theatre - The lady in the Van, inc luncha nd trivia.

Vline trip to Ballarat using the Seniors Rail Vouchers - Begonia Festival.

Movies at Highppoint - Brocklyn followed by lunch.

Matilda The Musical.

Gardening Group meeting at Windy Hill

Tourof the Spiritof Tasmania and Williamstown

Coach trip to Maldon

Walking tourof Flagstaff Gardens and St James Old Cathedral

Lunch at Moonee Valley Ledgens

Movies at Highpoint "Eddie the Eagle" followed by lunch.

Games Day at Maribyrnong Park Bowels Club including lunch.

3 day Coach Trip to Nhill, this included a visit to the aircraft museum, the Love a Duck farm, morning tea with the local Probus Club and many other events.

Sun Theatre " Hunt for the Wilderpeople" including lunch and trivia quiz.

Christmas in July at Windy Hill - 2 course Christmas lunch and entertainment

Visit to the Johnson Collection

Movies at Highpoint followed by lunch.

September Meeting with a Footy Finals Theme including prizes.

Dusty the Musical

Movie at  Highpoint followed by lunch.

Sun Theatre - "Cafe Society"

Australia Day celebration lunch at the East Keilor RSL.

Dinner at the Moonee Valley Bistro. about 20 members enjoyed an great night, perfect weather and a great meal and good company. The sights of the racing through the glass windows was special. 

Local Movie at Highpoint.

Trip to Bendigo with a tour through the Cathedral, lunch at the Bendigo RSL and a visit to the famous Bendigo Pottery.

Theatre Event for "Women in Black"  1pm Matinee. Lunch before near the Theatre.
March AGM & Monthly Meeting 
Local Movie at Highpoint.
Smart Bus Trip to Altona for their Market Day. Bus leaves from Essendon Station.

Games Day MPBC. Great day some of us learnt to play new board games, card games and Carpet bowls. Lovely lunch and a good time was had by all who attended.

Fashon Parade in Hawthorn puton by the Creswick Knitting Mills.

Day trip to Alexandra and Eildon 

Lunch at the Ascot Vale Golf Club.

Sun Theatre Movie Final Portrait followed by lunch and a quiz.

A trip to the Shrine with guided tour followed by lunch in the city.

January Movie - "THe Greatest Showman"

Lunch at the Anglers – Thursday 8th February 2018 at midday. 

Thursday 15th March 2018 – Bus trip to Arthurs Seat and optional ride on the Eagle

LIVE THEATRE GROUP “Dream Lover – the Bobby Darin story” – Thursday the 15th February 2018 at 1pm at the State Theatre.

“Seniors’ Moments” – Saturday 17th February 2018 at 2pm at the Comedy Theatre.

Coming up – “The Wizard of Oz” on Wednesday 13th June at the Regent Theatre. 

6 Night Spirit of Tasmania, Launceston trip 24th to 30th May 2018.


On a crisp October morning, we set off to the Port of Melbourne Education Centre in Lorimer Street. We enjoyed morning tea served by bus driver, Darren. We then met Kristy, our tour guide who gave an interesting talk and power point presentation. We all then boarded the bus and Kristy took us around the docks, pointing out 14 various areas handling petroleum, grain, cargo, oils, Customs and Border Control and holding sheds.

We saw cargo being loaded into cargo ships; straddle cranes unloading containers from trucks. There is a maze of railway tracks and roads which enable cargo to be moved from ships to other areas. Following our tour, we headed over the Westgate Bridge to the Kooringal Golf Club in Altona where we enjoyed a beautiful 2 course meal. We then headed home, content and full of new found knowledge. I have driven down Footscray Road and looked at all those containers and cranes and never really thought about what goes on but now I know that it is a whole world of its own.

It is Australia’s largest container and general cargo port. It has a 14m shipping channel draught and 31 commercial berths. 6100 plus vessel movements per year, 2.6 million containers handled yearly.

Every day, it handles 1108 vehicles. 112 containers of TV’s and household appliances, 275 containers of clothing, shoes, toys and sporting goods, 187 containers of furniture and mattresses, 1,192 tonnes of dairy products, 3 tonnes of coffee beans (Melbourne is known as the coffee capital).

All this does not include dry goods,  petroleum and timber and much more. So, is it any wonder there is so much activity down that area.

Another good Probus outing thanks to Alan Landgren and Rex McCallum.

Yarra Valley one day trip.

Around the Bay one day trip.

Daylesford one day trip May 2024

3 day Silo Art Trail Trip September 2023