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Next Event

August 15th (Thursday) Fanta Sea Tour – Palm Beach 11am from Palm Beach Wharf  Gill

Gather your friends together and head out for a relaxing day cruising the beautiful waters of Pittwater at Palm Beach – the home of Summer Bay. Enjoy lunch at Club Palm Beach after the 45-minute slow cruise. Choose between: Roast of the day w/vegetables; Fish & Chips w/salad; Chicken Schnitzel w/chips & salad. Travel details will follow – car /public transport.
Cost $30 for cruise and meal!! Please pay by July 25th.


Past Event

July 11th (Thursday) Winter Yulefest at the Camden Valley Inn – O.C.T.  Margie

Unfortunately, I spent the day between the bed and the bathroom suffering from a nasty tummy bug! I did hear that those who went to the lunch enjoyed the day. Visiting Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan, for morning tea on the way. The Xmas lunch was tasty – the normal variety! The entertainer – an Elvis tribute artist played his part well, keeping everyone entertained 😊 Sorry I missed it!