We are a friendly social club for retired men and women in the western Shire.
Come and join in the fun !
Below are photos from some of our recent activities.
Singapore Trip (or 'Menai Chinese' Lunch?)
Is that chocolate lamington cake? (in a Chinese restaurant) Looks delicious.
Mr President. Mr President.
Rocksalt Christmas Lunch
Mayfield Gardens Oberon
Beautiful, any time of the year
Canberra Trip
Relaxed tourers
What's with the interest in rocks and dirt?
Dining Out
Christmas Lunch
Give a man some maracas and entertainment will surely always follow!
.... or a tambourine !
Barangaroo, Darling Harbour and National Maritime Museum Walk
How good is this photo !? (VERY)
Walking the gangplank, Probus style.
Happy walkers
Now, that is a BIG building !
NSW Central West Trips
There's always time for coffee
Man in a rock. With a sore neck?
Putting for birdie. Again.
(Vale all, with fondness.)
Honey is very popular
Decisions, decisions.
Victoria Tour
Pick the Probus people Good friends, good times.
Hope there are no tunnels coming!
I think I recognise those feet !
So, what are we having?
Don't look down...60 floors...
Birdsville Bash
Off the beaten track
Princesses, all !
Past Presidents Conference (not tax deductible)
Mystery Tour
Try to guess where this is. No clues.
Public Works Tour ?
Where are the shovels? [Typical Aussie road gang ;) ]
'Going Bush' Trip
Now, let's talk about this rock! (One romantic couple; some disinterested?; - fair enough)
Hope that big emu does not 'spring' at us! (get it?)
People, why is there so much talking when there are fresh scones on the table !?
Bula, Menai Probus !
(Semi-naked locals, no wonder the members all look so excited.)
Menai, the dancing Probus club.
(Kava may, or may not, have been involved)
Happy couples Could be a Singapore Sling at Raffles ?
The girls are enjoying themselves And so are the boys.
TRUE MYSTERY TOUR - Name this place! (PLEASE!)
The trip WAS memorable; it's just that no-one can remember where this was !?
Did anyone get lost?
SYDNEY TOWN HALL - Sydney Mens Choir
Wow, the old Hall looks great!
(Would the guy with the mask please sit down!)
Saints, all !