Please contact the Club Secretary for details of upcoming events.
1 January New Year’s Day
8 January Gathering at Jells Park, The T House at Jells, 11.30am
16 January Natter and Nibble, Son of Tucci, 2.00pm (Third Thursday)
19 January Inaugural Sunday Lunch, Feast Restaurant, Village Green Hotel, 11.30am
27 January Australia Day
28 January Probus Association of Victoria Delegates’ Meeting, Mulgrave Country Club
3 February Management Committee, 1.30pm (Monday before first Friday)
6 February Short walk, Valley Reserve, 9.30am (Usually second Thursday)
7 February General Meeting (Open meeting), 10.00am (First Friday)
7 February Book Group, Library (Afternoon of General Meeting)
11 February Meditation Group, Youth Centre Meeting Room, 2.00pm (TBC) (Second Tuesday)
12 February Lunch Group, Burvale Hotel, 12.15pm (Wednesday following General Meeting)
21 February Outing, Reigning Cats and Dogs, NGV Ian Potter Centre (Usually third Friday)
23 February Sunday Lunch (TBC)
25 February Music Group, Graham’s, 1.45pm for 2.00pm (Usually fourth Tuesday, excluding December and January)
27 February Cinema (Fourth Thursday) (TBC)