Welcome to our Club
Meetings are held at 9.30 for 10am on the second Monday of each month in the Galston Club 21-25 Arcadia Road Galston NSW 2159 except in June when it will be the first Monday due to the public holiday.
Join our club and enjoy new friendships, interesting meetings, and a large variety of activities. eg Theatre, Walking, Lunchtime Club, Mah-Jong, Tennis, Coffee & Movie Mornings. Also we have overseas and extended interstate tours and local day trips.
Annual events include: "Christmas in July", "Melbourne Cup Luncheon", and the very popular December "Christmas Luncheon".
At every meeting we have a very interesting guest speaker.
Fun and Friendship are core components of our clubs culture.
Visitors are always welcome and prospective members are cordially invited to come to a few meetings or activities prior to joining the club.