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If you are retired or semi-retired and over the age of 55 you will not want to miss the opportunity of joining with other

like-minded people at our Club.

The Somerville Probus Club has remained steady over the years and upholds its objective to promote good fellowship

along with old fashioned fun and friendship.

It is non-political, sectarian and not a fundraising organisation but does encourage mental stimulation for both men and women.

We offer the opportunity for you to: 

  • Expand your interests and keep your mind active.
  • Become part of the network of friendly and interesting people.
  • Hear entertaining speakers and participate in active discussions on multiple topics.
  • Go on tours and outings to interesting and affordable places.
  • Expand your range of friends and better understand your local neighbourhood.
  • Attend well organised musical and artistic events.


We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the St. Andrews Church Hall, Eramosa Road West, Somerville at 9.45 am.

Arrive early to enable you to meet new friends and have the time to select activities and outings you may wish to participate in.

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life, so make the most of it and let us share it with you.