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Walking Groups


  • Meanderthals is a group that meets weekly at different destinations for an organised but casual meander around some of the picturesque walking trails of Adelaide and surrounds.

Future Walks:

  • 4 July 2024 Fourth Creek Linear Park, Stradbroke Rd, Morialta
  • 11 July 2024 Linear Park, Lagonda Drive, Paradise
  • 18 July 2024 Linear Park, East, Black Hill Conservation Park
  • 25 July 2024 Linear Park, West, Hackney Rd Carpark


Fourth Creek Fence Sitters


Gilberton Swing Bridge over Torrens River



A group of Meanderthals at Bridgewater Mill

  Energetic rock climbers

Energetic Meanderthal Rock Climbers



The Bushwalkers group meets on the first and second Monday of each month for a more strenuous trek through the foothills of Adelaide and beyond for a more testing leg stretch.

Future Walks

  • 1 July 2024  Allandale Ave, Mount Osmond
  • 8 July 2024 Wirraparinga Loop Trail, Brownhill Creek 


  • Bushwalkers wet

Longer Bushwalkers undaunted by the weather


A group of Bush Walkers

Another view

Glen Osmond Mine Chimney

In search of old fossils


Lots of wildlife

Both walking groups enjoy a relaxed coffee afterwards at a local café where we often attempt to solve the world’s problems.