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Photo Gallery

Photos from Bob Dodman's and Floyd Wilson's collections have been uploaded to a separate website in Google Photos. They have been saved in various trip, outing or visit folders. The folders names commence with the date in the format YYYYMMDD. This keeps them in chronological order.

To view the photos, go to the Google website by clicking the underlined link "PHOTOS"at the bottom of this page.

After clicking “Photos”, you will need to open the PROBUS Google account, which is “[email protected]”. You will need a password to go further and this has been emailed to all club members.

Once on the website there are many viewing options. The first page you see will have all of the folders displayed in chronological order. To view all photos by date order (the most recent photos at the top), press Photos on the upper left of the page. To view by Peoples names, click on Explore at the top left of the page (below Photos) and then click on "View all" at the top right of the page. Unfortunately, the names cannot be ordered alphabetically, but to save you from having to scroll through all of the faces, you can type the name you are looking for into the search bar at the top of the page.

If you are able to get on and view the photos, it is important that you sign out of the Google account when you have finished looking at photos because Google will only allow 6 sign-ons at the same time.

Sign in here --- Photos