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On the 22nd August 1997 the first meeting of interested parties for our club was held, and on the 26th September 1997 the first Club Meeting was held.

The Rotary Club of Mitcham was our sponsor in forming the Combined Probus Club of Tunstall Inc. The meeting on 22nd August 1997 included representatives from Mitcham Rotary, Probus District 9810, and several neighbouring Probus Clubs.

Our first President was Rev Wilf Griffiths

Whilst we are a Nunawading area club, the word Tunstall is the historical name of the area. The original Tunstall township was at the intersection of Springvale and Whitehorse Roads - a few hundred metres from our current meeting rooms.

We are very fortunate that 25+years from creation, we have many Foundation Members still actively involved in our Club.

Also, some of our Presidents have served more than one term, always with a very capable and

willing Committee behind them.

1998/1999—Joyce Monk

2000/2002 & 2005/2006—Liz Wilhelm

2003/2004—Geoff Beams

2006/2007—Noel Newstead

2009/2010 & 2010/2011—Margaret Kirton

2012/2013—John Dumesney

2014/2015 & 2017/2018—Bruce Ricketts

2018/2019 & 2019/2020—Tom Grucza

2022/2023 - Robyn Scholes

2024/2025 - David Barr

1999/2000—Helen Hill

2002/2003—Des Kidd

2004/2005—Phyllis Coolledge

2007/2008 & 2008/2009—Les Pearce

2011/2012—Geoff Sanders

2013/2014—Maureen Bechervaise

2015/2016 & 2016/2017—Carolyn Lee

2020/2021 & 2021/2022—Bev Olbrich

2023/2024 - Ray Keppie