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Charge of the Probus Brigade

Charge of the Probus Brigade.

Greystanes Probus meet Trade Travel

Greystanes Probus meet Trade Travel.

35th anniversary

On November 28, 1984, 41 men met at the North Epping Bowling Club and voted to establish a new Probus Club for their local area, and the Probus Club of North Epping came into being.


Port Macquarie Combined Congratulates Member Geoff

Port Macquarie Combined Congratulates Member Geoff.

Dundas Probus (Sydney) with Dundas Probus (Canada)

Dundas Probus (Sydney) with Dundas Probus (Canada). 

Concord Probus Fun-Filled Calendar

Concord Probus Fun-Filled Calendar.

Padstow Probus' Christmas Party

Padstow Probus' Christmas Party.

Blue Lagoon walkers

Thirty members from the Probus Club of Port Stephens enjoyed a very pleasant walk in bushland on their doorstep to visit the very pretty Blue Lagoon.

Hard Working Member Awarded Life Membership

Hard Working Member Awarded Life Membership.

Gregory Hills' Arts & Crafts Group

Gregory Hills' Arts & Crafts Group.

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