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Update from Glenorchy

The Annual General Meeting of the Glenorchy Probus Combined was held recently and a life membership was granted. 

Visit to the Haulmax Factory

Members of Probus Club of Wynyard and their wives enjoyed a visit to the Haulmax Factory at Terra Nova Drive Wynyard, followed by a barbecue in a local park.

Ausmas lunch, chocolates and oysters

Forty members of The Probus Club of Hobart Macquarie enjoyed a visit to a chocolate factory and celebrated Christmas in July on the Tasman and Forrester Peninsulas in Southern Tasmania. 

'P' party in North Launceston

North Launceston members primped and preened to parade at a Probus party.

Winery visit

The Probus Club of Hobart Macquarie enjoyed an informative and interesting visit, tour and many tastings at the fabulous and famed Moorilla Winery.


21 years for Scamander

Tasmania's Combined Probus Club of Scamander Inc celebrated its 21st anniversary recently.


20 years for Lenah Valley

The New Town Lenah Valley Combined Probus Club celebrated its twentieth anniversary with a luncheon at the Riverfront Motel Restaurant, Rosetta.


Life membership

The Probus Club of Launceston has made Stan Merry a life member in recognition of the great contribution he has made to the club and to the community generally. 

The Classics Museum

Twenty members and partners visited the University of Tasmania to view examples of ancient art and culture. 

Sharing Australia's heritage

Members of Hobart Macquarie's excursion to Shene was definitely memorable.

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