To view some items in this section (e.g. email event coordinator) it is necessary to enter a password. Once the link is clicked you will be prompted for the password. Only members will be given the password. Please contact the web administrator ([email protected]) if you require a reminder of the password.
Calendar Activities
This month's Activities Calendar (February 2025) can be seen here: Activities Calendar
Dine Out
RACV UPDATE (17/1/25)
Please note that all 24 seats for our Luncheon in the “Bistro Room” of the RACV City Club on Friday, 14 February 2025 have been filled.
Thank you to all those Members who have responded.
If you wish to submit your name to a “waiting list “, in the unforeseen event that a particular Member is unable to attend the Luncheon, please contact me .
Be good,
Lynton Doyle.
0408 368 075
Hello Members,
Happy New Year and welcome to 2025.
The Dine-Out Coordinators have made a reservation for a Luncheon at the RACV Club, situated at 501 Bourke Street Melbourne, on Friday the 14th February at 12.00 pm.
Please arrive before 11.45 am for registration with the RACV.
We have a booking for 24 attendees (12 per table).
This RACV City Club Bistro has had the pleasure of CGPC Members’ previous attendance and is now welcoming us back in 2025.
All food/dietary requirements can be selected from the “a la carte“ menu.
Access to the RACV Club is via Tram Stop #4 Bourke Street Trams(at Queens St), routes # 96 or # 86.
Please respond to my email address [email protected] by the 25th January 2025.
Should you have any queries or issues do not hesitate to contact me on the phone number below.
Be good,
Lynton Doyle
0408 368 075
Club Summer Holiday Excursion
Warrnambool Extended Excursion From the 21st to the 27th of February 2025.
There is an opening for interested members to join the Probus Extended Excursion in February.
We have a 1 Bedroom self-contained apartment (Stairs) $1,000 payable on arrival. Credit Card Details to be provided on acceptance of booking to be held as pre-authorization (we will require 2 weeks cancellation notice if you cannot make the booking).
Warrnambool Gallery Apartments - 206 Lava St.
Please email: [email protected]
By 12th November the latest.
Games Night
Games night (during the colder months) is on every Tuesday afternoon from 4 PM to 6 PM. For more information, click the following link and locate the Games Night section: Special Interest Groups page
Hi all,
A reminder that our Games afternoon is starting again on 20 August, all welcome.
We play Mahjong and Rummikub, and whatever you would like to play.
We start at 4.00 pm and finish at 6.00 pm at the Brunswick East Bocce Club, 98 Victoria St., Brunswick East.
Cost is $5.00 to cover the tea/coffee, biscuits and hire of the club.
See you all there.
Tour Times
We have two tour options - departing 11 am and 12 pm on 19/3/25; maximum 12 people per timeslot.
What You’ll See
Take a free guided tour of Melbourne’s historic Melbourne Town Hall, Swanston St., one of the city’s most iconic buildings and the site of many of Melbourne’s proudest moments.
The Melbourne Town Hall is at the heart of the city’s cultural and civic activity. Learn about the building's unique history as you visit the Grand Council Chambers and stand in rooms once visited by royalty. You’ll even get to stand on the Portico Balcony where the Beatles stood in 1964. The new Melbourne Town Hall Commons holds a focus on a collection of contemporary work by Aboriginal artists.
Rooms you may visit include:
Town Hall Commons Council Chambers
The Yarra Room
Portico Room and Balcony Melbourne Room
Main Hall.
Getting Access:
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your tour to allow time to go through security. You will be asked to pass your personal belongings through an x-ray machine.
The security process is flexible and may be adapted to suit your access needs. If you are seated in a wheelchair, security will conduct a visual security assessment of your wheelchair. If you have large items such as prams, luggage, or large backpacks, you will be asked to leave them in the cloakroom. There is a limited cloak area.
You will be asked to show your photo identification and sign in using a QR code at the Concierge, staff can assist you as necessary.
Contact …
Julie Adams – [email protected] to express interest and preferred timeslot. Maximum 12 per tour.
RSVP Friday 21 February.
Good afternoon
There are a couple of places available for the Metro Rail Tunnel visit on Tuesday Feb 11th.
The details are in the original notice below.
Contact Julie Adams – [email protected] or 0409380399 by Friday 24 January, 2025 to book for this activity.
Also, please advise Julie if you have booked to attend and now can’t.
Rob Head, Secretary
We have arranged a tour of the Metro Rail Tunnel project on:
Tuesday 11 February, from 11.00 am – (maximum 20 members) at:
125 Swanston Street, Melbourne (the Project offices).
Metro Tunnel HQ is located at 125 Swanston Street, Melbourne. It’s insightful and informative, with interactive displays, virtual reality experiences, and an immersive panoramic theatrette. Their information centre brings to life the Metro Tunnel Project, the largest rail project in Melbourne since the City Loop was built more than 40 years ago.
Background to this rail project in Melbourne can be found here
The presentation runs for 60 minutes and will present on the Metro Tunnel Project – including the new stations, trains, systems, and technological innovations. Following the presentation, guests will have time to explore the centre at their leisure.
There may also be the opportunity for a short walk to the Town Hall Station construction site (footpath view only, and optional) where we will see Victoria’s biggest archaeological dig as well as station construction methodology.
Meet in the Café of the Westin Hotel
The Hotel is at the corner of Swanston and Collins Sts, a 10-minute walk from the Metro Rail Tunnel Project office.
There are no public toilets available at the project offices, so we can meet from 10.00 am at the Westin’s café in reception, enjoy a coffee and use their bathrooms, then walk to the project office at 10.45 am.
We’re not arranging lunch as part of this excursion, but there are many lunch options nearby if people wish to have lunch following the tour. Contact Julie Adams – [email protected] or 0409380399 by Friday 24 January, 2025 to book for this activity.
Access; Metro Tunnel HQ is fully accessible. Access is through main doors via Swanston Street footpath.
For details of this recital please click here: Austral event
For more information contact Maggie: email event coordinator
Hi all,
Games will begin for 2025 on 11 February at 4.00 pm and will be fortnightly thereafter; please check the calendar on our website.
We play at the Brunswick East Bocce club, 98 Victoria St Brunswick East. The cost is $5 each time you play and membership of the Brunswick East Bocce club $25 due in June.
Marilyn will be the games coordinator for 2025. Please also note there will be no games during school holidays.
Look forward to seeing you.
Carole Doyle
Maria: email event coordinator
Coffee Group
Each Friday we are going to have Morning Coffee at The Brunswick Food Store, 29 Weston Street Brunswick, corner of Weston and Charles Streets Brunswick, entry through Charles Street. It’s just a short walk from Tram stop 20 route 19 .
There is plenty of parking available nearby.
Please make sure you come along and let us know what you think of the proposed change of venue.
We hope to see you at 10am this Friday.
Bike Riding Group
Bike Riding is on the third Tuesday of the month at 10.00am. For more information, click the following link and locate the Bike Riding section: Special Interest Groups page
Book Club
Good afternoon,
The Book Group would like to add a couple of members to the Group if any Club Members are interested in joining us.
How does the Group work ?
- We meet every 6 weeks, at the Clyde Hotel, on a Sunday morning at 10.00 am.
- We aim to be finished by 11.30 am, hence we limit the numbers.
- We select a theme for each session (recent themes have included colonisation, music and space exploration) and each person discusses a book they have read that has some link to the theme.
If you’re interested in joining the Group please let me know on [email protected].
The vacant positions will be available to the first two people who indicate that they want to join.
If more are interested we will hold a waiting list in order of receipt of request.
You might also be interested in just sitting-in on a session to see how it works before you decide.
Neil Ray
The next Sunday Book Club will be at the Clyde Hotel on Sunday August 25 at 10AM.
Golf i splayed every Thursday at 10 AM. See the GOLF heading iunder Special Interest Groups for more details.
For further details contack Tony: email event coordinator
Activities Around Melbourne
The Melbourne City Council are posting a monthly e-newsleter detailing activities in and around Melbourne. This takes the place of the "Out & About" publication which is currently on hold. Click here for the e-newsleter: e-newsleter
Don’t forget to check the Notifications tab on our website at
The Club is providing a two-course Christmas meal + champagne at the conclusion of our next General Meeting,
but we need to know exact numbers to enable the Hotel to cater effectively.
The attached table (Xmas lunch list) shows the responses that we have received so far; great to see all that
will be there. If your name is not marked ‘yes’ then there won’t be a Christmas meal for you on that day.
We need to have final numbers by next Wednesday 29/6, so please advise Ailsa Head on [email protected] by
that date if you’re not recorded on the list as ‘yes’ and you wish to be included, or if you now cannot attend.
If there are any further enquiries about the menu, please contact Noelene on [email protected]
Good afternoon members
I remind you that if you intend to join your friends at our next Christmas In July General Meeting on 5 July and partake in a Christmas lunch, you will need to let Ailsa know: [email protected]
Best regards
At our monthly meeting of the CGPC on 5 July 2022 , we are going to celebrate “XMAS in July”.
You are invited to enjoy a free Christmas Luncheon at 12.00pm at the conclusion of our regular meeting.
The “Clyde Hotel” Kitchen is preparing for the CGPC a Luncheon comprising,
# Roast Lamb and Roast vegetables,
# A vegetarian meal,
# Sticky Date Pudding and
#A bottle of Champagne.
Should an attendee require an aperitif or additional alcohol or non alcohol drinks you will have to pay for these drinks.
Could you please confirm your attendance to Ailsa ([email protected]) and if you require a Vegetarian meal by COB, 29 June 2022.
Kind regards,
CGPC Committee.
Lynton Doyle