AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287


President:  Jan Hosking

M: 0419 044 504

E: [email protected]

Vice President:  Cary Veale

M: 0408 839 116 

E: [email protected]


Secretary and Public Officer:  Myra Starick

M: 0428 821 040

E: [email protected]

Membership Officer: Annette Pelling

M: 0414 851 029

E: [email protected]


Treasurer: Kathy Kingston

M: 0418 808 013

E:[email protected]

Newsletter and Publicity: Valerie Volk

M: 0400 705 070

E: [email protected]


Welfare Officer: Caroline Arrowsmith

M. 0417 382 857

E: [email protected]


Guest speakers: Geoff Smart

 M: 0408 466 017

E: [email protected]


Past President: Colin Arrowsmith

M: 0430 157 674

E: [email protected]