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2024 Scheduled

August 22nd - Max Anderson - Gold Prospecting

"A clueless Pom trying to learn the business of Gold Prospecting in an outback town of 13" !


July 25th - Mike Smith - Wool Auctioneer

Mike Smith, ex sheep auctioneer, gave a very entertaining look at how Australia grew off the sheep's back; including stories about Banjo Paterson, John MacArthur and merino sheep.

Mike comes into the room fully dressed in old clothes, swag and kit bag singing a ditty.  Soo good.

He then traced the establishment of merino industry by Captain John MacArthur with stock sourced from South Africa and then from the Kings flock.

He talked about early life as a shearer and getting work at sheep stations across Australia. You could take a sheep to eat, then you’d have to pay it off by working. If you sold it, that was a criminal offence. The pay was £1 per 100 sheep shorn.

Jackie Howe, a Ringer with a fine hand at shearing, set a World  for hand blade shearing of 321 in 1891. Then did it with the new mechanical blades.

The Great Shears Strike happened in 1892 and the union started.  Its members taking action against shearing scabs by setting fire to wool sheds, stock facilities, and boats loaded with wool.

The mechanical shears improved and by the 1920s cut closer to the skin increasing the fleece cut.

Slowly the price of wool and the stockpile of wool both increased and by 1991 the Dalgety Woolstore had a stockpile of 10 Miliion bales of wool.  The price of wool had risen to $1,800 a bale.  It collapsed to $400 a bale and the stockpile took 10 years to sell.   The price for bales has not changed much since as the synthetic fibres started to come in the market so more sheep were bred for meat.  The remains of the merino stock were bred to smaller sheep to produce finer wool to compete with synthetic fibres.

MIkes talk included the story of Banjo Patterson who was ahansome man. His fiancee Sarah, got tired of his philandering and went off the central Queensland.  Banjo went looking for her and found her.  While staying at the sheep station his shenanigans continued, but he did develop his idea for the song Waltzing Matilda set at the Combo Waterhole before being dent packing.

This was facinating talk laced with clever and humorous poems.

Thank you Mike.


June 27th - Lainie Anderson - Long Flight Home

A 17 yr Columnist with the Sunday Mail, she spoke about the historic 1919 Air Race from England to Australia won by the Smith Bros in the Vickers Vimy bi-plane (now at the Adelaide Airport).

A synopisis of her book titled 'Long Flight Home' is:

"The First World War is over and air mechanic Wally Shiers has promised to return home to his fiancée, Helena Alford. But Wally never reckoned on charismatic fighter pilot Ross Smith, and an invitation to compete in the world’s most audacious air race.

A ₤10,000 prize has been offered for the first airmen to fly from England to Australia. Smith is banking on an open-cockpit Vickers Vimy, a biplane with a fuselage that looks ominously like a coffin. 

And who can resist a hero? Wally writes to Helena to say he won’t be home for another year – and the love of his life is left holding her hand-stitched wedding dress and fighting back her shame... 

Using war diaries, letters and Churchill Fellowship research from along the race route, Long Flight Home recreates one of the most important – and largely forgotten – chapters in world aviation history. 

Anderson’s ambitious and moving novel is told through her narrator, Wally Shiers. The tale spans the decades and crosses the globe, and at his journey’s end we’re left peering down from an open cockpit on two beacons of truth. There is no heroism without honour. There is no legacy without love. "

So get the book!!


May 23rd - Rod Barton - The Life of a real life Spy

Rod Barton, former Australian Intelligence Officer talked about highlights in his book ‘The Life of a Spy: an education in truth, lies and power’.

Rod started by telling us about the funny - and usual way he became an employee of the Australian Department of Defence and intelligence. As a biologist they thought he should know something about nuclear science!!  So he joined a team collecting information about nuclear ☢️ programs developing around the world. 

This beginning led to investigation into ‘yellow rain’ making people sick in Thailand.  After several field safaris Rod determined the cause was - bee 🐝 poo!

Rod then went to London and experienced a Christmas bonanza with British intelligence.  This was his James Bond moment. After 32 Christmas parties mixing and learning what was going on, Rod had learnt to ‘find a quiet place’ 🚻 to make notes about people he met and what they were doing. Rod even hosted his own party deep underground in Henry VIII wine cellar.

Iraq invaded Kuwait and Rod was invited to work in UN intelligence gathering task force with CIA in Bahrain to determine nuclear ☢️ capabilities and activity.

The UN asked for him to go to Somalia to encourage disarmament and demobilisation of Somalian militia 💪 in Mogadishu. He quickly realised there was no local interest in this due to political nature of the fighting. So he travelled to other parts of the country and found that fighting in Baidoa was driven by banditry.  Rod realised many people had no skills and decided to offer an alternative agricultural 🌾 skilled life.  Once militia head men accepted this, he established a team to establish a re-training farm 🐓 to reintegrated people back into society.  Rod talked extensively about this experience.

He was called back to Iraq to investigate chemical ☣️ plants making war gases such as mustard and nerve gas for bombs. The team found a plant supposed to be for yeast production but was probably attempting to make anthrax. The team met with the Desert Rose and General Amer Rashid (The Missile Man) to discuss this. Rod led the counter argument with devastating consequences and Iraq eventually confessed to making anthrax bombs.

Thank you Rod for a most enthralling and entertaining presentation today.


So get the book!!!

April 18th - Rebecca Mezzino - De-Clutter Coach

How to de-clutter your Life!

March 21st - 4th Birthday Speakers

Frank White, Members Rotary Club of Somerton Park (our sponsor club)

Role and purpose of Rotary and things the Rotary Club of Somerton Park have and are doing.

Justin O'Hallaran, Inaugural Past President 

How we got started and the first years journey. Having FUN.

Phillip Johansen, Past President

Developing the Club through the COVID years.

Vicki Porter, Immediate Past President

The continuing growth of the Club (in 2023) and the importance of all Members participating.

November 2023

Robert Morrison, Zoologist & Science Communicator & Activist

Rob has had a dual career as academic, science broadcaster and writer. He is Professorial Fellow at Flinders University. He has written many books on science and natural history, was co-host of the Curiosity Show, correspondent for Channel 10, producer of science segments for Australia’s Asia Pacific program Nexus, ABC’s Science Show and Ockham’s Razor and is frequently heard on local radio. 

Rob helped establish SciWorld, a mobile science centre in Adelaide that runs exciting education programs and he was its inaugural chair. He is or has been the chair of many other science organisations, including Zoos SA, responsible for Adelaide and Monarto Zoos.

He has been recognised nationally and internationally as an outstanding science communicator and has won many national and international awards, including two Eureka Prizes, one being the Australian Government Eureka Prize for the Promotion of Science, the Michael Daley Award for Science Journalism, and the inaugural SA South Australian Government award for Excellence in Science Communication. He was the Senior Australian of the Year (South Australia) in 2008.

Rob's presentation was a hilarious slide show about “Improving with Age”, the South Australian Plan for Ageing Well. His presentation was a truly sensitive and insightful look at aging which had us all in stitches as we recognised our own thoughts and experiences about aging.

October 2023

Barry Mitchell, Climate Reality Program

Barry, a seasoned leader in the field, has been a globe-trotter for many years with the Climate Reality Program led by Al Gore. During his talk, Barry emphasized the critical role of climate change in shaping our world. He stressed the importance of taking immediate action, not just at a global level, but also in our personal lives, local communities, and within our own country. This includes exercising our right to vote and using our voices to influence government policies. Additionally, he encouraged us to consider our investments, such as our super funds, and to bank with institutions that support responsible and practical solutions for environmental change, not just empty declarations. He specifically pointed out the environmental challenges faced by Australia, like deforestation in Queensland. As responsible parents, grandparents, and members of a family, should we really have to question the safety of the water we drink and worry about the air we breathe? Barry prompted us to think about how extreme climate events, droughts, pollution, and carbon emissions could impact our local and global food supplies. He also raised concerns about the increasing threat of extreme weather events, such as severe storms, wildfires, beach erosion, and pollution. It's worth noting that disadvantaged communities and developing countries often bear the brunt of climate change, even though they've contributed the least to the problem due to their limited reliance on fossil fuel economies. In his informative and eye-opening presentation, Barry urged us to recognize the immediate and far-reaching effects of climate change. He emphasized the urgency of making ecofriendly choices, such as embracing clean energy sources and reducing our reliance on waste, fossil fuels, and petrochemical products. By adopting environmentally responsible practices in our communities and integrating them into our daily lives at home, we can make a positive impact. 

September 2023

Robert Davis, Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Robert is a volunteer and gave a very interesting talk. Initially formed in 1917 doctors used camels as transport. The flying service started in 1928. RFDS has grown into a remarkable and highly successful organization covering 7.7 million sq kms with 23 bases and 183 ambulances countrywide. The service is offered free to patients and has substantial government financial support. However, there remains a significant shortfall annually and donations and bequests are welcome.

August 2023

Darren Bailhache, Area Coordinator, Neighbourhood Watch Darren (266) Marino Seacliff

Darren gave an informative talk about the local Neighbourhood Watch; with particular details about the Marino Seacliff group.  It included details on how access to areas influences the level of crimes committed (eg Marino has only one entrance road); incidences of crime and how to reduce it (eg Marino Railway Station); the importance of removing graffiti without delay to convey the message that you are being watched and we will rectify damage as soon as it happens.  Graffiti is a signal to others to come in and do 'one better' and that we local community is not watching; which in turn leads to increased incidenaces of other crimes.

Darren has a strong interest in cybe crime and spoke briefly about the risks associated with online services.  He stressed the importance of using one password for each account (i.e no duplication) keeping passwords very secure and not in the same place as the device.  He also recommended not saving passwords on any device and to think carefully about using device and cloud based password savers.  He illustrated how important an email password is and how it can readily lead to identiy theft. 

He invited us to attend the next meeting on Sunday October 8th at Kingston House.  There are two guest speakers; SAPOL talikng about cyber crime and RSPCA about animal safety and management. 

July 2023

Emily Drewniak, Head of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens Foundation

Did you know : -

 That many of South Australia's threatened plant species have shrunk by more than two-thirds in just 20 years?.

We are losing plants faster than we are discovering them, and hence risk never knowing what we have lost of undiscovered species and their potential?

Emily spoke enthusiastically on the function and role of the Foundation, which reports to the Board of the Botanic Gardens & State Herbarium, which was established in 1857.

The Foundation provides financial security & funding for the Gardens, which includes Mr Lofty Botanic Gardens, Botanic Park, and Wittunga at Blackwood, where they can plan future projects. The greater Community, Corporate business & Individuals are constantly invited to help with not only their monetary support but also volunteering in various level. This includes admin, education, science, through to grass roots level and getting your hands dirty, knowing that you are a part of ensuring our future is as ecologically rich as possible.

In 2003, the Botanic Gardens of SA formed a partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Millennium Seed Bank UK, also involving 80 countries. For the last 20 years, they have also heavily invested in the SA Seed Conservation Centre, (located in the old Goodman Building off Hackney Road), native seed banking & freezing some of our threatened plant species from extinction, restoring/replanting flora across our State, including following natural disasters ie KI fires etc.

Thank you Emily.

Anyone who would love to become a volunteer should contact Emily, alternatively you can become a Member of the Foundation which gives benefits, discounts, early access to events & activities put on by the Gardens. Please contact the Botanic Gardens of SA Foundation on 82229347 / 59 ...(leave a message if needed and they will try to return you call when they can).

June 2023

Hugh Grantham spoke about the Sail Training Vessel One & All Ship

Hugh spoke about the wonderful benefits sail training has provided to young adults who attend youth training voyages. These young people develop not only sailing skills, but important life changing personal skills. These skills include a belief in their own abilities, teamwork and boosting their self-esteem.

The One & All is also available to the general public and groups for day sail excursions and voyages.

Hugh is clearly very passionate and extensively involved in running this tall ship. He explained the financial battles of keeping this beautiful ship going which is owned by South Australians, the cost of keeping the ship on the water and the need for Corporate Sponsorship. We wish Hugh and Pat a wonderful time traveling overseas over the next few months.

Thank you Hugh.

May 2023

Lance Laird spoke about the Middle East

Lance spoke about his experiences living and working overseas, particularly during his 12 years living in the Middle East. Having been born and grown up in the Glenelg/Brighton/ Seacliff area, Lance thought it might be an interesting contrast.

He spoke about differences between living and working in Adelaide and the Middle East, and doing business in places like the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Ethiopia and Egypt.

Thank you Lance.

April 2023

Honi Gibson, Sales Team Leader from Bunnik Tours

Honi enlightened & engaged us on her own travels throughout Japan. Her information packed presentation included photos of the beautiful scenery whilst traveling from the busy, highly organised modern city of Tokyo, through to the natural pristine countryside with views of Mount Fuji along the way when skies are clear, continuing to Hiroshima & ending up in Kyoto. Using different forms of transport including fast trains through to small traditional sail boats, tours and stays along the way varied from modern city rooms to small village accommodation with rice paper walls and floor futon beds.  A few tantalising examples of tour activities on offer are Soba noodle making, paper & Sake making, Calligraphy, soaking in hot spring baths, visiting Samurai sword demonstrations, participating in Sumo lessons, Kimono dressing etc to fully immerse yourself into the culture that typifies Japan.  All of this and much more are included in the 'Bunnik brand' which specialises in 'small group' guided Tours.

Honi also provided our group members with answers to their many questions, along with Travel Brochures to other exciting locations. She particularly offered her knowledge and assistance should we wish to organise group bookings in the future.

Thank you so much Honi.

March 2023

Jonathon Robran (Business Development Manager) & Malcolm Stevens (Volunteer) from Operation Flinders

Jonathon and Malcom explained the work of the Foundation that transforms the lives of young people from the age of 13 - 18. The 8-day program is held in the northern Flinders Ranges where young people trek up to 100km, experience abseiling, Indigenous culture, bush craft and build self-confidence through challenging themselves. These young people come from all across South Australia and are typically referred to us as part of a team of 10 from one school or agency. Once the young person completes an Exercise, they are invited to join the Peer Group Mentor Program. This program opens participants up to a world of opportunity and growth to transform their lives from one of disengagement, drugs and alcohol, crime and difficult home life, to build confidence, cooperation, discipline, routine, acceptance and achievement.

The program commenced in 1991 and will have assisted over 10,000 participants by the end of this year. Malcom gave examples of children who have been positively affected by the program and have come back as pier mentors, completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and participating in monthly Training Programs. The program costs around $4,800 per participant, which is a little less than the cost of supporting a person in detention, but with far reaching and positive.

The Operation Flinders Foundation relies on volunteers, so if you would like to discuss how you could help, give them a call, or visit their website.

Thank you Jonathon and Malcom.


November 2022

Peter Thorpe

Peter gave a very entertaining talk about his time as Fritz the Clown, a singing telegram man, gorilla etc and a musician. Peter spoke about his time playing in a moonshine jug and string band performing at the Myponga Festival, setting his hair on fire and performed several magic tricks.


October 2022

John Rumpff

John Rumpff (Seacliff Probus Club Member) spoke for 45-50 minutes about his career in haematology and changes that have taken place during that time in a talk titled ‘My Life With Blood’.

John explained what haematology is and how it developed during his lifetime.  He started with Michael Gribble and was influential in the growth of Gribbles Pathology.  In his early days blood and tissue samples were put on a microscope plate and red and white blood cells and platelets manually counted.  This was slow and in the early 1970s an automatic counting machine was introduced.  Operators held tubes of blood against it and it would count all the cells and platelets at once.  With the introduction of computers larger machines could do the assay using tubes of blood which were put on-mass into a machine which would shake and measure many attributes of blood.  Further test options included slice sampling and smear tests. 

At that stage haematology and biochemistry were brought together in a 24/7 operation greatly reducing cost.  Further advances included automated coagulation machines; understanding of the science of healthy blood cells including size, shape, colour as indicators of health and diseases; using cell factory sites (in bone marrow); and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing for defects in genetic material from pathogens.


September 2022

Meeting cancelled.


August 2022

Penny Franz

Penny Franz (Seacliff Probus Club Member) gave us a delightful talk about her life. She has recently arrived in Adelaide. Due to Covid restrictions, she spent 18 difficult months in the UK waiting to get to Australia from South Africa. She was born the youngest of 3 children in England. Her working class parents developed a successful family business. She went to boarding school in England, and a college in Switzerland to learn French. She worked in London, Spain, and Switzerland. She then spent 50 years in Cape Town, marrying, and having 3 children. She loves Table Mountain! She had some interesting jobs, including enhancing the status of women in higher education institutions, and working for the main opposition party in Parliament. She was also a Lifeline counsellor.


July 2022

Dr Tony Lake

Our Speaker was Dr Tony Lake who gave us a brief overview of the history of forensic dentistry.  Although forensic dentistry only deals with data (so more reliable than eye witness), results are open to interpretation requiring a team to work independently to determine outcomes of investigations before team discussing them. Tony went to Thailand to identify people after the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami.  He showed us short videos of the actual tsunami and told us about the circumstances of them.  Tony told us how people were preserved and methods used to identify them (forensic dentistry, dna, fingerprint) and how different countries worked together to do this.  Even though the topic was gruesome, Tony’s talk was lively, enthralling and at times amusing.  Thank you Tony.”


June 2022

Dennis Bunnik 

Dennis is joint-CEO of Adelaide based small group tour operator Bunnik Tours which has recently relaunched its international touring operations.  Dennis escorted the first tour back to Sri Lanka in February 2022, and took the opportunity to show his photos and video which showed us why this island paradise is so popular with Australian visitors. 

For a small country Sri Lanka boasts an incredible variety of things to see and do.  In addition to its own fascinating ancient history there are colonial influences from the Portuguese, Dutch and British empires. Overlaying this is the rich culture and friendly hospitality of the Sri Lankan people. On the natural front Sri Lanka boasts stunning beaches, lush tropical vistas and wildlife safaris in search of elephants, leopards and a vast array of native bird and animal species.  The Bunnik Tours itinerary captures the very best of Sri Lanka with a real emphasis of creating cultural connections through food and meeting the locals.

Dennis showed us photos and told us visits to the vast tea plantations of Nurawa Eliya and the old Dutch Fort at Galle where the Australian cricket team is currently touring.

The talk also gave members an interesting insight into Bunnik Tours, their family history and how they created a series of fun small group tours specifically for like-minded Australian travellers.  It was interesting to learn more about Bunnik Tours and how this small Adelaide company was voted the best in Australia at the National Travel Industry Awards.  

Full details of Bunnik Tours’ range of tours to Sri Lanka, Australia and much of the rest of the world can be found at Alternatively call them on 1800 286 645 or see your local travel agent.

May 2022

Ian McDonald Pilot Examiner

Recreational aviation is a very simple way for most people to learn to fly. The controls are simple in light aircraft. There are many schools Australia-wide and it is relatively inexpensive. Light aircraft are very safe to fly.

The school at which I teach is Adelaide Soaring Club at Gawler. My suggestion is for people who are interested to experience flight for themselves book a 30 or 60 minute Trial Instruction Flight. You get to fly the aircraft with a professional instructor. They do the take-off and landing. The rest is with you at the controls. So much enjoyment to be had flying like the birds.

If powered flight is not for you, then gliding is a great way to get airborne. The gliding team also have AEFs (Air Experience Fights). The club has extensive facilities including a lounge and bar: training rooms and administration facilities along with numerous hangars and an aircraft mechanic.


April 2022

The SA Metropolitan Fire Service

Angelo Mastripolito is the Community Engagement Officer for the South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service

Angelo spoke to the Meeting about Fire Safety, emphasising how we can protect ourselves, and our homes from fire. He talked about the common causes of house fires eg unattended candles, electric heaters and the importance of maintained smoke alarms.  He gave a demonstration of a kitchen fire (fat burning on stove) being extinguished by a fire blanket (by volunteer Phil H), showed videos of spontaneous combustion of faulty electrical appliances and the different and the dangerous fumes they cause, in particular the difference between a fir in the 1960s and today.

March 2022

AGM - not Guest Speaker

February 2022

Jim Baker - A long term Member of the Brighton Seacliff Yacht Club (BSYC) spoke to us about the 129 year history of the Club.  Jim was part of the team which put together the club’s book for the 100th Anniversary of the club.  His talk included changes to yachts and small vessels used at the club as materials for construction changed; building abd facilities and considerations that apply when a club decides to be a 'family' club.  The BSYC has extensive learn to sail classes across a wide range of yachts. 

Club details are available at

January 2022

Meeting cancelled due to COVID

December 2021

Xmas - No meeting

November 2021

Kevin Nolan Trivia Host was our guest speaker.  The whole hour was full of interesting facts and questions that really challenged our brains.  

October 2021

Josie Bishop provided a spotlight on her teaching experiences in China, explaining what life was like when she lived there while working in Schools & Universities. She was born in England and always dreamt and read about fireworks, silk, exotic places and people; and travel. 

One day her Mum said they were going on a big adventure and they became ‘Ten pound Poms’. 

In 1995, Josie eventually found her way to China where she taught and learnt about Chinese culture and customs. She was invited to stay with the family of one of her students. The family lived in a rural village and she got to understand what living in rural China is really like.  Josie returned to Australia in 2010 with fond memories of her experience.  She showed us some of the things she brought back from China, or with Chinese origins.

September 2021


Clare Lindop.  Clare is a former Champion Australian Jockey Clare Lindop and is arguably the most accomplished female jockey the country has ever produced.  Clare rewrote the history books and broke down barriers to create her own destiny.  After years of consistently competing at the highest level in racing; Clare is an inspiration to a new generation of riders, and now sharing her stories to encourage others to reach their potential.

Please see her website for more details.


Clare left school at 15 years of age to become a Apprentice Jockey in Warrnambool. She talked of winning and losing streaks and the need to concentrate on riding style, mental and physical fitness and getting to know her horses to get the best outcomes at all times. She found that once accepted within the trainer/jockey world they willingly shared experiences, tips and mentoring, and support.  Most horses stop running between 6-8 years old but can live up to 30 years.  Retired horses are now being used in pony clubs.  Clare is currently working with people looking to be a jockey, looking at ways to improve income, and assisting to look after the retired horses.  Since 2018 she has also been a Councillor at the City of Holdfast Bay.

August 2021

Margot Coxan from Novita was accompanied by Braiden, a Novita Ambassador. They talked about the transition to work program and development experiences through Braiden’s examples.  Margot also talked about the fund raising, reaching into the regions, and the impact of NDIS on the services including the recent introduction of independent housing programs with 24 hour supported in-house services.

There were several questions asked by Members about Novita and ESCOSA services and how they work together.

July 2021

Meeting cancelled due to COVID

June 2021

Dr Steven Lapidge CEO of Stop FoodwasteAustralia Ltd15. Guest SpeakerDr Lapridge presented a video about food waste and spoke to it. There were many interesting factsthat caused thoughtful questioning throughout his talk. Some are included below.

Food Consumption and Loss& Waste There are 7.2 billion people on the planet and there will be 10 billion by 2050. Unless we STOP loss & waste we will not be able to feed 10 billion people in 30 years’ time.

One third of all food is wasted

1.9 million over eat and 600 million are obese

75% of foods come from only 12 plants & 5 animals causing us to eat too much sugar, salt & meat and we need to diversify

When Greenhouse gas emissions are treated as a country, emissions from wasted food would be the 3rd largest contributor to climate change

80% of Greenhouse gas from landfill is from totting food The food chain includes Production, Processing, Distribution, Consumption

As food moves from production to consumption the effects of the loss/waste increase as we have invested more and more energy and created more and more Greenhouse gases

In Australia 7.3 million tonnes of food is wasted every year (that’s enough to fill semi-trailers from Perth to Sydney Australia is committed to reducing its food waste by half by 2030

One fifth of Australians already are under nourished.


Best Before means: I’ll still good, you can still eat me, but I might not be quite as good as I was when you bought me

Use By means: I’ve had it. I’m not safe. Don’t eat me.Send me to Green Waste; definitely not for Landfill

May 2021

Kath and Nicole from ‘Greyhounds As Pets’ introduced their animals and told us about the program, fostering and adoption.

There were many questions about the dogs, arrangements, health, and their compatibility for families.  While these were being answered the 2 dogs walked amongst us and we all got just a little bit of Pet Therapy.

April 2021

Mr Gerry McGinley, owner of a shop called ‘Toss of a Coin’, 500 Brighton Road, Brighton.  The shop is for anyone who has a collectable item and may be thinking of selling, or looking to buy.  Gerry talked about his early interest in collecting things, including collecting stamps from businesses on Fridays around his home before soaking the envelopes in the bath - much to his Mum’s despair. 

He circulated some collectable currency (coins and notes), photographs, cards and booklets.  He told us the historical value of each as a collectable (whether to a collector, or his personal reasons).  The stories were amusing and well presented.

He told us of the pitfalls of providing valuations and humorous anti-dotes to deal with them.  He says the biggest issue today is people expect valuations from a photograph on a phone – but valuing collectables “is a tactile business” and he must be able to exam the collectable.

Gerry said he realised that “collecting is a terminal disease” that he would never be able to put behind him.

On ending, he invited Members to present personal items for some insights.  He also welcomed anyone to visit his shop for a look and if they would like, some assistance evaluating their collectables.

March 2021

AGM - No guest speaker

February 2021

Tamme Golding Holbrook told us about the team working with Dr Luke Weinel Coordinator and how they consult family members of those who have passed, for possible corneal donations for people with eye disease. The team is on call 24/7 because of requirements of the donation being completed within 15 hours. The team work sensitively and compassionately with the family of the donors, with hospitals and staff.

The Team do background checks for suitable donors, excluding those with previous cataract surgery and some eye issues. Donors can be any age between 5-90. A registration card may identify a suitable donor, some may have an official License card, or some tick donation on the Driver’s License, to give the precious gift of sight.

The first corneal transplant was in 1905 by Dr Eduard Konrad Zirm.

Corneal transplants were historically the first transplants of human tissue.  Only in 1954 the second, a kidney transplant was made.

Adelaide does about 135 transplants per year, a cap due to staffing restrictions.

 Further details are available:

 Eye Bank of South Australia

Flinders Medical Centre

Bedford Park SA 542

Telephone: 08 8204 4928

January 2021

Brett Roenfeld as five times winner of Golden Gavel award spoke as a “Real Estate survivor”, beginning at Norwood 1979. In 1981 he receive his Auctioneers License, receiving gratefully $100 for his service. In order to excel he sought the help of David Griggs a public speaking coach. He learned how to engage not cut people off. He learned 1. Refine the Script, 2. Choose your of words; paint three emotive pictures of the place before selling, and the power of the pause.

What’s going on with Real Estate? Reported last six months “unbelievable”, growth between 10-30% but stock level is down 30%. People may wish to sell downsize and pocket the profit. He advised many people are lining up to register at auctions. The average house in Adelaide is now $492,000, the Hills are doing better than ever. Government Grants are available to the eligible to $30,000. He warned that people need to be careful as interest rates will eventually rise and people may be caught with high mortgages. Loss of Job Keeper and Job Seeker will also impact.


November 2020

Meeting cancelled due to COVID

October 2020

David Spiers was welcomed by Gloria. He spoke passionately about the development of Glenthorne Park, which he promoted in the SA Parliament. It aims to use existing and new infra-structure to create an accessible and inclusive network of open space rich in environmental and cultural value, authentically connected to surrounding communities.

September 2020

Kate Loveday.  Kate shared deeply from the heart, the prelude to her becoming an author, at a later time in her life. She whetted appetite for her stories by setting them and their characters in real life experiences. Kate almost sold out all the books she brought along.

Health Information Cards were made available for Members’ private use.

August 2020 - First General Meeting 

Speaker Nan Whitcombe introduced by Vice President Barbara O’Halloran.

Nan spoke of her life and times and sold some books.

Barbara thanked Nan with a gift from the Club.