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1) The Club shall also be Managed by a set of Standing Resolutions approved and adopted by members.
2) The Club shall be managed by a Management Committee (herein called ‘The Committee’) comprising of a President, one or two Vice Presidents, the Senior Vice President being the President Elect, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and Committee Members to be responsible for the activities of the Club. The immediate Past President shall be a member, ex officio, of the Committee and is entitled to vote if present at the Committee Meeting.
3) The Management Committee is authorized to appoint an Assistant Secretary and an Assistant Treasurer. Such assistant/s to the elected officer do not have voting rights. However, if the assistant is acting for the officer in his/her absence then the assistant/s would have one (1) vote representing the officer.
4) The financial year of this club shall begin on 1st January and end on 31st December.
5) The President, Secretary, Vice President and Treasurer shall be authorised to sign cheques or conduct banking transactions on behalf of the Waurn Ponds Deakin Combined Probus Club Inc. with any two (2) to sign co-jointly.
6) The Club shall meet monthly at 10.00 a.m. on the first Monday of each month at the designated Meeting Venue with the exception of January every year.
7) The Club may meet at another time, on another day, or at another venue by decision of the members.
8) The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of March each year.
9) The maximum membership of the club shall be 120 which will be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting.
10) The club shall adopt the following protocol to manage and maintain a waiting list:
a) An expression of interest to join the club will be recorded when the visitor has attended the required three (3) meetings.
b) No membership application form will be offered to a person on the waiting list until such time as there is a vacancy for membership, and
c) When appropriate a membership application form will be offered to a person on the waiting list, such application must be sponsored by two (2) current members of the club and approval for membership given by a majority of the Management Committee, and,
d) Membership monies must be received from the person on the waiting list before the application for membership has been considered or approved by the Management Committee, and
e) Those persons included on the waiting list must meet the requirements of attendance under the protocol set for visitors.
11) An electronic copy of the club’s membership records shall be retained by both the Secretary and the Membership Officer. The lists shall be regularly synchronized for security of record purposes.
12) The subscription payable by members, currently $35 shall be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting. New members will be charged a Pro Rata Fee depending on the time of year they are inducted.
13) The Nomination or Joining Fee for all new Members is currently $20, which shall be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting.
14) Non-active members are not required to pay subscriptions. A record of non-active members should be appended to the membership list.
15) The club shall operate under a Risk Management Policy.
16) The club shall operate under a Privacy Policy in accordance with the Privacy Act. The Privacy Clause is to be read and signed by each member.
17) Club Activities, Trips, Tours & Events.
i) All proposed Club Activities must be brought before a Committee Meeting before any bookings take place. Preferably this would be at least two (2) months in advance.
ii) The organiser of Trips & Tours is not to have a free trip. The dollar amount would be divided up between all travellers.
iii) Refunds – Cancellation refund to be made on a Pro Rata basis.
iv) People in wheel chairs need their own carer on any outings or tours.
v) An Accident Report form is to be contained in each activity folder, and a First Aid Kit is also to be taken to each activity.
vi) The Cut-off Notification Time for Activity Cancellations with full refunds to Club Members will be set at 7 days prior, unless a Replacement Person can be found for the Activity.
18) Accidents.
i) An Incident, Injury and Accident Report must be completed if any such event occurs at a Club Event.
19) Guest Speakers.
i) All speakers must be asked permission to use their name and photo in our Bulletin.
20) Stamped Self Addressed Envelopes.
i) Stamped self-addressed envelopes are to be provided by members who do not have an email address in order for the Monthly Bulletin and General Meeting Minutes to be posted to them.
21) PSPL Model Victorian Incorporated Constitution.
i) The Club will formally adopt as Club Policy this Constitution dated 02/13 with approved amendments to the Preamble Clause 9 and Clause 17.
22) The Management Committee shall provide Probus South Pacific Ltd. annually with the names of the Club’s membership in accordance with accreditation requirements set by Probus Inc.
23) Distribution of Member Details.
a) Any distribution of Member’s Details should be limited to their Name, Address, Email Address and Phone Number. Any member can opt out of having any of their details included (except Name) by advising the Secretary.
24) The Management Committee is authorized to increase the membership by one (1) to enable, where necessary, the admittance of a couple or partners when:
a) One (1) vacancy only becomes available.
b) The increase can only be utilized by the Committee when:
i) The membership numbers are reduced to one (1) below the maximum membership and, the couple or partners are next on the waiting list for membership.
25) Visitors may attend a maximum of six (6) meetings and/or activities of the Club.
26) The Waiting List is to be capped at five (5)
27) The Management Committee shall annually account for the number of non-members attending club meetings and/or activities.
28) The Club shall establish a protocol for receiving and recording apologies. Such apologies must be received by the Secretary or the Membership Officer prior to the commencement of the Committee, General or Annual General Meeting. Apologies for Trips, Outings or other Activities need to be advised to the Activity Leaders on a timely basis. Members leaving Meetings, Club Trips or Outings early must advise the appropriate Club Member of their impending early departure.
29) That any authorised member of our Club including the Executive, the Committee and all Activity Leaders have the authority to conduct any Club Business including travel, on behalf of the Club, that is relative to the position they hold in the Club’s Management structure.
30) These Standing Resolutions excluding those articles related to the Annual General Meeting may be amended at any General Meeting of this club, a quorum being present, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present and voting, and, that Notice of such proposed amendment/s having been published to all members at least 21 days before such meeting.
31) The Management Committee have identified the need for our Club to establish a standard approach in to how it officially responds to the loss of a Club Member. The following procedures formulate our Club’s Official Bereavement Policy on such a sad occasion.
a) The Club recognise the passing of Past Presidents and Foundation Members by Media with no Probus Logo included, a Card to Family and an announcement to Club Members, upon permission from the Family.
b) The Club recognise the passing of all other Members by announcement to Club Members and a Card to Family.
32) Guidelines for Group/Activity Leaders.
a) Calendar
The calendar is finalised and presented for approval at the Committee Meeting two (2) months in advance. ALL ctivities and events MUST be on the calendar to be approved as an official Probus activity and therefore covered by insurance, etc.
Changes can only be made in exceptional circumstances – a venue closing down, etc. - after checking dates with the Calendar Coordinator.
b) Group/Activity Leader’s Responsibilities
- Check dates with Calendar Coordinator if changing regular day/date.
Information is required by the Calendar Coordinator by the Friday prior to the Committee meeting for approval at that meeting. - Book venues and for coffee that might follow after activities.
- Email activity details to Calendar Coordinator, Bulletin Officer and Membership Officer (to do sign-on sheets) two (2) months in advance.
- Put sign-on sheets out prior to General Meeting – collect from Membership Officer on arrival at General Meeting
- Contact venue a day or so prior to activity to confirm numbers with them.
- Mark off all attendees, apologies, non-attendees.
- Hand completed sign-on sheets to Membership Officer.
- Collect monies, write receipts when appropriate – liaise with Treasurer. Is a cheque required prior to the event?
- Ensure that a copy of the Injury/Accident/Incident Report form is in the back of the Activity folder (along with the current Emergency Contact List provided by the Membership Officer).
- First Aid Kit (provided by the Club) is required for Walking Group, Getaway and Out and About activities.
Although you may not intend continuing your role the following year, you are required to plan for the April activity for the new leader.
Not all of the above will apply to all Groups/Activities. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to speak to the Calendar Coordinator.
33) Certificate of Appreciation Awards to Club Members.
a) The Minimum Criterion to be eligible to receive a Certificate of Appreciation Award is as follows:
- Club Members who complete Five (5) years of active service whether continuous or not, in a Management Committee or other Club Designated Role shall be eligible to receive a Certificate of Appreciation Award.
- These Awards shall be presented at each Annual General Meeting to those Club Members who have qualified in the previous membership year by meeting the Minimum Criterion for the Award. (Jan 2025)