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Norfolk Island tour

Thirty one Greenway Probus members and friends enjoyed a seven night Tour of Norfolk Island. They were accompanied by Alan and Sheree from Linga Longa Tours.

Mystery tour to ‘Goulbourn’

Tuggeranong Probus Club members enjoy a Sapphire Coast Tour.


Members enjoy a trip to the Land of the Long White Cloud

Conder Lanyon members enjoy a trip to the Land of the Long White Cloud.

Cruise control

Forty Gold Creek Probus ACT members and friends took a three-hour lunch time cruise from Batemans Bay to Nelligen recently.

Greenway Probus Club welcome an interesting guest speaker

Greenway Probus Club welcome an interesting guest speaker.

Slippery customer

There was an extra special visitor at the Greenway Probus Club AGM in the ACT.

Delicious lunch in beautiful and scenic surrounding

Greenway abd Conder-Lanyon Probus Clubs enjoy a delicious lunch in beautiful and scenic surrounding.

Probus Club of East Canberra member awarded Life Membership

Probus Club of East Canberra member awarded Life Membership.

Calling all ACT Clubs!

Are you part of an active club in the ACT? We want to hear from you!


Greenway Probus Club Outing

Greenway Probus Club Outing.

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