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Navigating the modern wallet

In an age where cash is no longer king, navigating the plethora of payment options available can be daunting.

A guide to valuing your valuables

Do you have a collection of artworks gathering dust in your spare bedroom?

How to spot a financial scam and avoid it

Australians lost more than $476 million to scammers last year.

Save For An Emergency Fund

An emergency fund sets aside money to cover urgent or unexpected costs. 

Choose Meaningful gifts this festive season

In a world brimming with opportunities, few gifts can match the enduring power of education.

Leave a gift in your Will

For a limited time only, from 28 December to 31 January 2024, you can write your Will online for free (saving $180). SCHF has partnered with Safewill, Australia's most trusted online Will writing platform. 

Seasonal Spending

Christmas often delivers a king hit to finances when you’re on a fixed income, and as if that wasn’t enough, then comes the summer holidays. This time of year often stretches us financially, as we tend to entertain and go out more.


Why going guarantor on your child's loan may not be a good idea

It’s estimated that roughly 60 percent of first home buyers receive some kind of financial assistance from their parents. That makes the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ (BOMAD) Australia's ninth biggest lender, with around $35 billion in outstanding loans. For generous parents, there’s substantial risk attached to this largesse.


It’s time to tap into the amazing power of dividends

When it comes to investing, many investors focus solely on share price movement. But an increasing share price is not the only way to make money in equities.

Plug your budget leaks so you can sleep well at night

Drains on your budget can be so insidious; you hardly notice the money leaving your account until suddenly you find yourself with a gaping hole. How did it get there? One financial drip at a time.


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