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Guest Speakers

Date                        Speaker                                      Subject

July ’86            John Warr                            Private Enterprise

Aug‘86             Michael Forsyth                     Real Estate

Sep‘86             Dick French                          Cricket

Sep‘86             Reid Stewart (Mem)               Life Story

Oct‘86             Vaughan Evans                      Navigation

Oct‘86             John Trenoweth (Mem)           Life Story

Nov‘86            Jim Crowe (Mem)                   Life Story

Jan’87             Ms. Gail Davis                       Archives

Feb‘87             Ken Ewen                             Arnhemland

Mar‘87             Ray Fry                                 Precious Stones

April‘87            Brian Eggleton                       Antiques

May‘87             Graeme Gower                      Wills

June‘87            Geoff Baxter                         Zenith Centre

June’87            Brian Betty (Mem)                  R.A.A.F.

July‘87             John Vaughn                         Flags

Aug’87             Gillian Buckley                        Micro-Surgery

Sep’87             Sgt.Arthur Hodgson                 R.B.T.

Oct‘87              Brian Mc. Donald                   Bushrangers

Nov’87             Malcolm Boyle                        Investments

Jan‘88              Ms. Jenny Learmont                 Aids

Feb‘88              Bill Jenner                            The Interchange

Mar‘88             Rev. Allan Robinson             Fellowship

April‘88            Jim Ling (Mem)                    Reflections 1942- ‘45

May‘88             Larry Spencer (Mem)             Sydney Sandstone

June‘88            Justice Woodward                 Drugs

July‘88             Jim Ling (Mem)                    Reflections, 1942-’45

Aug’88             Prof. Pollard                         Changing Society

Sep‘88              Bert Meyer                           Lotto

Oct’88              Nancy Bird-Walton                 Aviation

Nov‘88             Jack Pollard                          Sporting Events

Jan’89              David Robinson                    Antarctica

Feb’89              Wayne Kearns                      Qantas Pilot

Mar’89             Mrs. Lynette Silver                Gold in Australia

May‘89             Ken Wright                          Rolls Royce

June’89            John Longworth                    Divorce

July’89             Ted Withers                         Tax

Aug’89             Bill Eberhardt                        ‘88 Bi-Centennial

Sep‘89             Ms. Lynette Silver                Vinegar Hill

Oct’89              Max Burnett                        Computers

Nov’89             Stuart Alldritt                        Olympic Swimming

Jan’90              Rev. MacArthur                    Bush Ballads

Feb’90              Ms. Liz Thompson                Town Planning

Mar’90             Jim Pratt (Mem)                    Education

April‘90            Liam Bathgate                       Harbour Tunnel

May’90             Roy Scrivener                        Battle Coral Sea

June’90             Paul Humfress                      Film Australia

July’90              Peter Green                          Lifetime Sailing

Aug’90             Roger Westcombe                 Consumers Assn.

Sep’90              Ms. Francis Gartrell                Lifeline

Oct’90              Rex Cox                              Nepal

Nov’90             Mrs. Ros. Bentley                 Road Safety

Jan’91              Bill Hindmarsh                      Forestry Comm.

Feb’91              Dr. Cath Foley                     C.S.I.R.O.

Mar’91             Frank Nielson (Mem)             Flying

April’91            George Turnbull (Mem)

                      Jim Jessup (Mem)                 Life Stories

Nov.’91            Jon Stanton                         O.T.C

Jan.’ 92            Peter Knowles                       Aircraft

Feb.’92             Derrick Docherty                    Business

Mar.’92            Melanie Stedman                  Japan Airlines

May’92             Kathryn Greiner                      Life

June’92             Gerrard Toltz                         Wills

July’92              Jim Wooley                          Gallipoli, France

Aug.’92            Miss Jane Watson                  Physiotherapy

Sep.’92             Neil Pombart                        Fire Fighting

Oct.’92             Nelson Robertson                  Gemstones

Nov.’92            Miss Joan Beck                      Egyptology

Jan.’93             Ray McKenzie                        Retirement

Feb.’93             John Vaughn                        Flags

Mar.’93             Roger Green (Mem)

                       David Holmes (Mem)               Talks on Life

April’93            Robert Olup                            Ballet

May’93             Bill Stanfield                            Friends of  Zoo

June’93             Maureen Tangey                     Privacy Comm.

July’93              King Fong                              China Town

Aug.’93            Sir Eric Willis                           Arthritis

Sep.’93             Sid Lewis                               Qantas

Nov.’93            Allan Tarrant                           V.C. Medal

Jan.’94             John O’Reilly                          Cricket

Feb.’94             Russel McMinn                        Investments

Mar.’94             Peter Kennedy (Mem)             P.O.W. Life

April’94            Kim Schraeder                         Telecom

May’94               Maj.Gen.G Maitland      

June’94             Graham Lightfoot                    Iran

July’94              Ted Cocksedge                   Retirees Assn.

Aug.’94            Len Duggan                        Blind Dog Assn.

Sep.’94             Geoff Cawood                     Sydney Electricity

Oct.’94             Steve Symonds                   Weather Bureau

Nov.’94            Don McPhail (Mem)

                        Ferd Pegg (Mem)                Life Stories

                       Cam Pettigrew (Mem)

Jan.’95             Ms. Sally Barnes                   E.P.A.

Feb.’9   5          David Cummins                   Life’s Problems

Mar.’95            Lance Hopkins (Mem)

                      Chas Lark (Mem)                  Life Stories

April’95            Sgt. Greg Muir                      Property Theft

May’95            Brian Harrison (Mem)

                     Michael MacCabe (Mem)         Life Stories

                      Russell Stokes (Mem)

June’95           Richard Whiley                      Gallipoli

July’95            Justice Athol Moffit                 Drug Scene

Aug.’95          Angela Samuel                       Nat Standards Lab

Sep.’95           Ginny Schmidt                       Hearing Centre

                     Sandy Loughton

Jan.’96            Betty MacKellar                    Police Air Wing

Feb.’96            Hon. Jack Lee                      Constitution

Mar.’96            Lance Smith    (Mem)           Club History

April’96            David Wolski                       Apartments

May’96             Bob Failes (Mem)

                     John Bradwell (Mem)              Life Stories

                      Bill Sherman (Mem)

June’96             Les Vaughan                                   Pittwater

July’96              Iain Mitchell (Mem)               Robbie Burns

Aug.’96            Norman MacMaster                 Hypnotherapy

Sep.’96             Denny Ellis                           Steam Loco 3801

Oct.’96             John Squire (Mem)                Qantas Photographs

Nov.’96            Ken Wright                            Rolls Royce

Jan.’97             Patrick McCarville                   Irish Whiskey

Feb.’97             Ed Glanville (Mem)                 Wills

Mar.’97              Les Trott (Mem)                   First Aid

April’97            Phil Cameron                         Smith Family

May’97             Tim Acton                            Cathay Pacific

June’97             Capt. Max Hinchliffe              W.W.2 Med.Subs

July”97             Leon Becker                         Radio -Golden Years

Aug.‘97            Norman MacMaster                  Phsycology

Sep.’97             Padre Tom Hill                      Mission to Seamen

Oct.’97             Jennifer Philps                         Genetics

Nov.’97            Denny Ellis                              Steam Locos

Jan.’98             Anne Morrice                           Child Literacy

Feb.’98             Michel Clerk                            Medécins sans Frontières

Mar’98             Les Trott (Mem)                     First Aid

April’98            Ted Mack                              Constitution

May’98             Tom Sweeney                        Heart Foundation

Jun.’98             Peter Evans                           Fairmile Association

Jul.’98              Jack Holmes (Mem)               Around the world

Aug.’98            Les Trott (Mem)                     First Aid (Cont.)

Sep.’98             Edward Glanville (Mem)          Wills (Cont)

Oct.’98             Sarah Elliot                            Fred Hollows Foundation

Nov.’98            Alan Pearson                          Piracy on the High Seas

Jan. ‘99           Henry Nebel                           Luftwaffe Pilot W.W.2

Feb.‘99             Peter Sloane                          Aphganistan Economics

Mar.’99              Ron Humpherson(Mem)         Flying Helicopters

April ‘99            Richard Whiley                       W.W. 1 Battle of Hamel

May ‘99            Lorraine Wilson                       Olympic co – Committee

June ‘99            Mike Connell                         Maritime Paintings

July ’99             Mayor Pat Riley                      Development of Will. City

Aug ‘99            Ted Atkinson                           Microsearch Foundation

Sep ’99             Flt. Lt. Deryck Giblin                Pathfinder

Oct ‘99             Edward Glanville (Mem)           Wills (Cont.)

Nov ‘99            Colin Margin                          Around the World by Yacht

Jan. 2000            Michael Forsyth                  First National Real Estate

Feb.2000            Barbara McCarthy                 Chatswood Cham. Commerce

Mar,2000            Ben Korhonen  (Mem)          Travels in Finland and Russia

April 2000            Damian Gorman                  Willoughby Leisure Centre

May 2000            Nancy Bird-Walton                Pioneer Aviatrix

June 2000            Bill Laidlaw                          Railway Historical Society

July 2000            Paul Couvret                        P.O.W. in Japan

Aug. 2000            Tony Gregory                      Whales

Sep. 2000            Richard Conolly                    Random Snapshots

Oct. 2000            Doug Ebeling                        Global Warming

Nov. 2000            Dick French                          Test Cricket Umpiring

Jan  2001            Bruce Carfrae                      Fire Protection

Feb. 2001            Prof. Duncan Waterson         Federation in Australia

Mar. 2001            Jack Humphries (Mem)         Flying aeroplanes

April 2001            Linda Cardew                      Willoughby Council

May 2001             Susan Dunbar                    World Vision

June 2001            Comm. Tim Cox                 Experiences in the Navy

July 2001             John Vaughn                       Flags

Aug. 2001            Hugh Lander                       Restoration of the James Craig

Sep. 2001            Noel Cislowski                    Rugby League Referee

Oct. 2001             Tony Travers (Mem)           Napoleon

Nov 2001             Dr. Warwick Bateman          Youth: Yesterday, Today &Tomorrow

Jan 2002             Denise Park                       Divisional Therapy

Feb. 2002            Prof. Tony Basten                Cancer Research

April. 2002           John Ryan (Mem)                Pharmacy

May 2002             Frances Sims                     Willoughby Library

June 2002             Barry Butt                         Antarctica

July 2002              Richard Gilbert                   Public Advocacy

Aug. 2002            Walter Gaspari                    Conflict Resolution Skills

Sep. 2002                Peter McLaughlan                Aviation

Oct. 2002             Noel Cislowski                     Bush Ballads

Nov. 2002             Judy Blanche                     Taronga Zoo

Jan. 2003             John Ryan                         Pharmacy

Feb. 2003             Robert Reynolds                 Horticulture

April 2003             Neil Roberts (Mem)             H.M.A.S Kuttabul

May 2003              Holly Smith                       Writing and Publishing

June 2003             Gary Nash                          Russia-  China to Australia

July 2003              Capt. Trevor Haworth          Capt. Cook Cruises

Aug. 2003              John Cordner                     History of Football

Sep.  2003             John Owen                     Development of City Centre

Oct.  2003              John Barclay                   “The Rambling Poet”

Nov. 2003              Clinton Smith                  The future of warfare etc.

Jan. 2004              David Pell                       Doing Business in Asia

Feb. 2004              Peter Chinn                     Customs

April. 2004              Ken Freeman                  European History in Australia

May 2004               Ted Atkinson                  Aust. Health Research Fund

June 2004              Adrian Webster (Mem)    Oil Search in the Kimberleys

July 2004               Katrina Jones                 Sydney Harbour Fed. Trust

Aug. 2004              Adrian de Lange             Trade Developers in Asia

Sep.2004              Allan Horne                     Sundials

Oct. 2004               Adrian Webster (Mem)       B&B’s

Nov. 2004               Hon. James Macken           “Pittwater during W.W.2”

Jan   2005              Reg Green                       Early Australian Explorers

Feb. 2005               Ian Nowlan                     Battle of Vinegar Hill

April. 2005               Bruce Coombes (Mem)   Oil Search in Papua-1950’s                

May 2005                Johnny Pace                   Putting Humour to Work

June 2005               Neil Roberts                     H.M.A.S. Kuttabul

July 2005                Brian Copeland                 Corrective Services

Aug. 2005               Richard hill                     The Creative Species

Sep. 2005               Norman lapin                   History of Sydney Suburbs

Oct  2005               Genevieve Rose                 River of Life

Jan  2006               Evan Whitton                    How the Lawyers Get the Money

Feb 2006                Peter Plowman                  Maritime History

April  2006               Frank Milburrn                  Laughter is the best medicine

May 2006                Rodney Rietdyk                Funeral Business

June 2006               Carl Bliim                        N.R.M.A. “The years ahead”

July 2006                 John Owen                     Chatswood Civic Centre

Aug. 2006                Carl Bliim                        Road Safety for Seniors

Sep. 2006                 George Mawer                 “Where are the Aliens?”

Oct. 2006                 Lindsay May                     Sydney– Hobart Yacht Race

Nov. 2006                Paul Whitlam                     Osteopathy

Jan. 2007                Rosemary Howard              Telstra– Next G. Mobile Phones

Feb 2007                Paul Couvret                     “Nagasaki, Last atom bomb?”

April 2007                Harold Dews                     Movies “It all began in 1896”

May 2007                Deborah Wallace               A Women’s Life in the Police

June 2007               Rev. Kenneth McIntyre     “Cockpit to Pulpit”

July 2007                 Michael Jones                 Adventures in Russia (oil spill)

Aug 2007                Robert Gunns                   Dentures and Oral Dental Care

Sep 2007                 Greg Clancey                  Multiculturism in Australia

Oct. 2007                George Richards               Column 8

Nov 2007                Derek Jones                     Middle East

Jan . 2008               Michael Yeates               Maturity Blues

Feb. 2008                Ed. Glanville                  Wills, Estate Control

April 2008                John Ives                      Heron Airlines

May 2008                Derek Jones                   Talking Books in Vietnam

June 2008               Doug Edwards                 “Life as a Submariner”

July 2008                 Kerry De Waal                 Health and Education

Aug.2008                 Ian Small                     “The Kurrajongs” 1916

Sep 2008                  JO Harris                     The early days of wireless

Oct.2008                   Patti Howson                  Life experiences in show business

Nov.2008                  Bill Allen                     Sydney ferries

Jan. 09                     Richard Mewjork               Sydney Capitol Theatre

Feb. 09                     Joe Bollen                     Flags

March 09                   Dennis Overton              Windsor Castle Fire

April 09                     Michael Fahey               Baggy Green Cap

May 09                      Patsy Cooper                Historic Houses

June 09                   James Bird                     Mercy Ships

July 09                    Arthur Barnes, Andrew Kirkwoo Sydney Water

Aug. 09                    Paul Barclay                     The History of our Calender

Sep 09                    Steven Carruthers              Submarines in Sydney Harbour

Oct  09                    Robert McLeod                     Hearing Together

Nov 09                    Carol Baxter                         Skulduggery in Early Sydney

Jan 10                    Paul Barclay                         It’s Time

Feb 10                   Melanie Rebane                   Fire Brigade

April10                   Doug Roser                         Royal Flying Doctor Service

May 10                  Doug Grant (Member)           Theatre Organs

June 10                 King Fong                             Sydney’s Chinatown

July 10                 Bill Blissenden                        The World of Opera

Aug 10                Alison Eisermann-Ctercteko    Wine Appreciation

Sep. 10               Don McPhail                         Amber to Didital

Oct. 10               Dr. Raema Prowse                Sleep

Nov.10               Bruce Coombes, John Eddington ,David Holmes & Cavan Fairall

                        Reminisced  abou events over 25 years membership in the Club

Jan. 11              Barbara Holobrow                Helping Children

Feb.11              Chris Russell                     New Inventors

April 11              Donna Hendry                  Macular Degeneration

May 11               Libby Rowe                    Life Education

June 11              Les Edwards& Ken Black The Morse Coders

July  11              Jeff McDougall               Road Safety

August  11          Tony Griffiths                Lithgow Small Arms

September  11   Trevor Rippingale            Australian Jazz

October  11        Ray Knight                     Ned Kelly is not dead

November  11    Jack Mc Burney                Early Department Stores in Sydney

January 12        Ian McLeod                     Bee Keeping

February 12       Ros Burton                    Castles,Follies & Four Leaf Clovers

April 12             Michael Waterhouse        New Guinea Goldfields WW1-WW2

May 12             Almis Simans                ” Macquaries Kingdom”

June 12            Lynne Blackford                Hearing Loss & Communication

July 12             Kimi Alcott                        Enough is Enough

August 12         Rebecca Rogers               Willoughby Leisure Centre

September 12   Julie Ross                        Educating newly arrived students

October 2012    Ambre Hammond              Concert Pianist

Nov. 12            Robert Clancy                    Maps History of Australia

Jan.  13           Linda Ellis                          Wills & Trusts

Feb 13             Michael Adams                   Vietnam

Apr 13             Brian Copeland (member)   Life as a Probation and Parole Officer

May 13            Michael Adams                   Laurence Hargrave

June  13          Sheila Bruhn                      Changi Quilt

July 13             Marcelle Tanner                   History of the Clown       

Aug.13             Jenny Holman                   Organ & Tissue donation

Sep.13             Tony Breinl                       Cancer Council

Oct.13              Gail Browning                    Orangutang Project

Nov.13              David Rosenberg              Pine Gap

Jan.14              Myrna Dodd                      Radio Serials

Feb. 14             Robert Clancy                   Plague in Europe

April 14             Cindy Rein                       Shen Yun Performing Arts

May 14             Dr. Fiona Plant                  Health & Chiropractic  matters

June 14            Dr. Tom Crow                   Stroke Recovery

July 14             Bill Noble                          The Meanig of Names

Aug. 14            Elspeth Richards                Cochlear Implant

Sep. 14            Hugh Lander                      Maritime Museum

Oct. 14             Julie Evans                         Sydney Harbour Trust

Nov. 14             Vashti Farrer                      Ellen Thomson(Last person to be hung in Queensland)

Jan. 15             Merinda Air                        "HMB Endeavour"

Feb. 15            Noel Cislowski                       Australian Poets 

April  15           Gwyneth Stevens                Eartwatch Expedition

May 15             Roz Baker                          Writer and poet

June 15            OttoPatterson                    Escape from the Nazi  

July  15             Dr. John yeo                    Spinal Injuries

Aug  15           Ron Humpherson (member) Computers

Oct   15           Raymond Howes                Making violins

Nov. 15            Dr. David Ng                        Vision Eye Institute

Jan.  16             Rosemary McCullough     BBC

Feb. 16            John c Jeremy                   Cockatoo Docks

April 16             Ann Howard                     Evacuees from Sydney WW2

May 16             Jenny Beer                      Garden Share Project- Willoughby Council

June 16            Philip Wood                       Climate Change Scepticism

July  16            Robyn Mason                     Macular Degeneration

Aug  16            Roger Williams                   State Library

Sep. 16            Alexander Vassilieff            "Odyessy fro Russia to Australia"

Oct. 16            Dennys Angrove                Cimate Change

Nov 16             Liz Whyte                        Lifeline Nth. Beaches

Jan 17              John Ives                         Heron Airlines

Feb 17               Devon Barnes                  Nueroplasticity

April 17              Connie Scurr                   Malawi School

May  17            Paddye Parnell                  Alzheimers Foundation

June 17             Brian Copeland (Member)    "My Life in Crime" 

July 17             Andrew Rogers                  Diving on the "Titanic"

Aug. 17            Merinda Air                       Scientists on the "Endeavour"

Sep. 17            Michael Bendon                 "The Forgotton Flotilla"-WW2 ANZAC troops in Greece and Crete

Oct. 17           Sancha Donald                    Radio 2RPH  

Nov  17           Don McPhail (Member)            Chatswood is changing

Jan  18            Merinda Ayr                        Sailing vessel "Tenacious"   

Feb  18            Heather Abbey                   Dept. Fair Trading

April 18           Doug Grant (Member)           Life at the ABC

May 18            Sally Webster                     Art Gallery

June 18            Jo Harris                           Early Ku-ring-gai

July  18            Graham Wilcox                  Federation

Aug 18             Michael Mills                      Trans Siberian Railway

Sep  18            Brian Spies                        Climate Change

Oct. 18             Robert Clancy                   Growth of a Naton

Nov. 18            Jim Wells                          Aviation

Jan. 19            Bob Failes (Member)         A line of descent fom two First Fleeters

Feb. 19            Ron Humpherso (Member) Scams

April 19           Patrick Dodd                     Governor Macquarie

May 19            Cheryl Cartwirght              Airport Ambassador

June 19           Susan Butler                     The History of Slang in Australia

July  19           Graham Lockhart               Botanist Robert Brown

August 19       Don Swonnell                     Henry Lawson

Sep. 19           Connie Scurr                     Malawi

Oct 19            Greg De Moore                   Creator of AFL

Nov. 19           Barry Anderson                  Vietnam War Service

jan. 20             Do Wilson                         Waste Management

Feb. 20            Grace Edwards  (Member)     Solo piano recital

Gust Speakers (Cont)


September 18                             Brian Spies                          Climate Change

October      18                            Robert Clancy                      Growth of a Nation

November  18                            Jim Wells                             Aviation

January      19                             Bob Failes  (Member)            First Fleeters

February    19                             Ron Humpherson (Member) Scams

April          19                             Patrick Dodd                      Gov. Macquarie

May           19                             Cheryl Cartwright               Airport Ambassador

June           19                             Susan Butler                       Australian Slang

July           19                             Graham Lockhart                Botanist Robert Brown

Aug.          19                             Don Swonell                       Henry Lawson

Sep.           19                             Connie Scurr                       Malawi

Oct            19                              Greg De Moore                   AFL

Nov.          19                             Barry Anderson (President) Vietnam War Service

Jan             20                             Don Wilson                          Waste Management

Feb.            20                             Grace Edwards ( Member)  Piano Recital

March        20                              AGM   No Speaker

April          20                               No speaker or meeting due to Covid-19 pandemic

May           20                                                      “

June             20                                                    “

July           20                                                     “

Aug.          20                                                     “

Sep.            20                                                   “

Oct.           20                                                    “

Nov           20                  Doug Grant (Member)    History of ABC 

Dec.          20                   Max Underhill                Darling Harbour Freeway 

Jan            21                   No Meeting

Feb            21                   Sefanie Gray (Member)  Family Story 

March         21                   AGM (no speaker) 

April           21                   Cheryl Cartwright         Airport Antics           

Jan             24                  Jo-Anne Verthelson The Perils and Privileges of Public Speaking

Gust Speakers (Cont)


September 18                             Brian Spies                          Climate Change

October      18                            Robert Clancy                      Growth of a Nation

November  18                            Jim Wells                             Aviation

January      19                             Bob Failes  (Member)            First Fleeters

February    19                             Ron Humpherson (Member) Scams

April          19                             Patrick Dodd                      Gov. Macquarie

May           19                             Cheryl Cartwright               Airport Ambassador

June           19                             Susan Butler                       Australian Slang

July           19                             Graham Lockhart                Botanist Robert Brown

Aug.          19                             Don Swonell                       Henry Lawson

Sep.           19                             Connie Scurr                       Malawi

Oct            19                              Greg De Moore                   AFL

Nov.          19                             Barry Anderson (President) Vietnam War Service

Jan             20                             Don Wilson                          Waste Management

Feb.            20                             Grace Edwards ( Member)  Piano Recital

March        20                              AGM   No Speaker

April          20                               No speaker or meeting due to Covid-19 pandemic

May           20                                                      “

June             20                                                    “

July           20                                                     “

Aug.          20                                                     “

Sep.            20                                                   “

Oct.           20                                                    “

Nov           20                  Doug Grant (Member)    History of ABC 

Dec.          20                   Max Underhill                Darling Harbour Freeway 

Jan            21                   No Meeting

Feb            21                   Sefanie Gray (Member)  Family Story 

March         21                   AGM (no speaker) 

April           21                   Cheryl Cartwright         Airport Antics           

Jan             24         Jo-Anne Verthelson The Perils and Privileges of Public Speaking

Gust Speakers (Cont)


September 18                             Brian Spies                          Climate Change

October      18                            Robert Clancy                      Growth of a Nation

November  18                            Jim Wells                             Aviation

January      19                             Bob Failes  (Member)            First Fleeters

February    19                             Ron Humpherson (Member) Scams

April          19                             Patrick Dodd                      Gov. Macquarie

May           19                             Cheryl Cartwright               Airport Ambassador

June           19                             Susan Butler                       Australian Slang

July           19                             Graham Lockhart                Botanist Robert Brown

Aug.          19                             Don Swonell                       Henry Lawson

Sep.           19                             Connie Scurr                       Malawi

Oct            19                              Greg De Moore                   AFL

Nov.          19                             Barry Anderson (President) Vietnam War Service

Jan             20                             Don Wilson                          Waste Management

Feb.            20                             Grace Edwards ( Member)  Piano Recital

March        20                              AGM   No Speaker

April          20                               No speaker or meeting due to Covid-19 pandemic

May           20                                                      “

June             20                                                    “

July           20                                                     “

Aug.          20                                                     “

Sep.            20                                                   “

Oct.           20                                                    “

Nov           20                  Doug Grant (Member)    History of ABC 

Dec.          20                   Max Underhill                Darling Harbour Freeway 

Jan            21                   No Meeting

Feb            21                   Sefanie Gray (Member)  Family Story 

March         21                   AGM (no speaker) 

April           21                   Cheryl Cartwright         Airport Antics           

Jan            24       Jo-Anne Verthelson The Perils and Privileges of Public Speaking

Feb           24   Shirley Ramrakha, Local Study Librarian at Willoughby Council, History                            of the Concourse Site

April         24    John Cameron, Artificial Intelligence

May          24    Dr Kaathryn Goozee, Dementia and Alzheimer’s

June         24    Matthew Mifsud from Ronald McDonald House

July          24    Robert Tickner, Justice Reform Initiative

Aug          24    Willoughby Mayor Tania Taylor, Willoughby Symphony Orchestra