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In 2017 our foundation President was Ken Gracie.

In 2018-2019 President Alan Pope

In 2020-2021 President Ian McIntosh

In 2022 President Mary Gray

In 2023 President Sue Nolan (also Club Ambassador)

In 2024 President Frances Bowles

Empire Bay Probus Club was formed in 2017, when a small group of Central Coast residents agreed that another Probus club serving our area was needed. There are several other Probus Clubs in the area but some are large and have waiting lists for membership.

By 2022, we had grown to almost 60 members, still much smaller than other clubs, some of which have 120 members.

Even so, for our size we are a very active club. As well as the monthly meeting, where we usually have a guest speaker, we also have regular lunches, outings and activities - see the 'Outings' page on this website to see some of the forthcoming activities.

2020-21 saw considerable disruption with Covid-19, however when possible meetings and outings were resumed.

We welcome visitors and do not insist on newcomers joining until they have attended a meeting and an activity or two.

So come along to our meeting on the first Thursday of the month, at Club Umina, Melbourne Avenue, Umina where we gather at 1.30pm for a 2pm start.