We are a combined club with an active group of Probians residing within the 2233 postcode. Listed below are the various activity groups that form an integral part of our club.
We currently have a few vacancies in our membership of 130. Anyone interested in joining or adding their name to our waiting list should contact the Membership Officer at [email protected].
Cabins & Caravans – Coordinator: Lesley Palmer The group enjoy short breaks away at various holiday locations. Staying in their own vans or in on-site cabins, their stays can last from a few days to a week. Recently the group have enjoyed stays at Shoalhaven Heads, Batemans Bay and Shoal Bay.
Craft – Coordinator: Jill Billington We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 1.00pm to 4.00pm at the Engadine RSL Club. During our lively and at times spirited conversations, we learn new skills and improve on old ones as we knit, crochet and embroider rugs, scarves, beanies, babies and children’s items for those less fortunate. This year, as well as some personal projects, we have been able to provide items to such organisations as the Community Cancer Link, a group donating to the Cancer Care Children’s Units at Westmead & Wollongong Hospitals; Camp Quality; Bear Cottage and Ronald McDonald House.
New members are always welcome so come along and join in the fun. Also, if anyone knows of other agencies we may be able to help, please let us know.
Family History – Coordinators: John Levy & Rowena Summers We hold our meetings, with morning tea, from 10am to about noon on the third Thursday of the month at John or Rowena’s house. The discussions are quite wide-ranging and don’t always dwell on family history. Members are encouraged to bring along their family history research problems and we try to suggest new information sources or new avenues of approach. It is not just about births, deaths and marriages, there is a wealth of family information available out there, especially in the newspapers.
New members are always welcome – it doesn’t matter if you are just starting, are an expert or coming back after a break. Contact John or Rowena for this month’s venue.
Games and Cards – Coordinator: Sue Ransom & Dawn Black
Gardening Group – Coordinator Needed
Movies for Seniors - Coordinator: Suzanne Jenkins The group usually meet on the last Friday of the month for lunch and a movie at Miranda.
Photography – Coordinator: Lyn Walker
Recipe Swap Cooking Group – Coordinator: Sandra Robinson & Anne Passmore Our group meet at 10.00am on the first Monday at the Engadine Bowling Club to discuss/debate a selection of recipes. Some months are associated with a particular theme; for example May (Mother’s Day) members recall their mother’s favourite recipe. Twice a year we have a lunch together either at someone’s home when everyone brings a plate or at a local restaurant.
Scrabble – Coordinator: Terry Sheedy Games begin at 1.00pm and go to 4.30pm on the 3rd Monday of the month. Contact the coordinator for the venue details.
Singing/Harmony – Coordinator: Aileen Melvin
Tennis – Coordinator: Kaye Thistlewaite The group play every Thursday morning from 9.00am to 11.30am at the Woronora Heights Tennis Centre. New players are always welcome to join us.
As well as the above specialty group activities, the club enjoys a wide range of social events including:
Monthly Dinners – Coordinators: Jan Bressington & Jan Picker Members meet for dinner on the last Tuesday of the month. To satisfy a variety of tastes, a different local restaurant is selected each month and prices are generally capped at $25.
Theatre – Coordinators: Wendy Gowing (City) & Doris Wotton (Local) Members enjoy shows at the major theatres such as the Capitol and Lyric as well as more local venues such as Cronulla Arts and the Sutherland Entertainment Centre. –
Day Outings – utilising all forms of transport - train, coach hire and car-pooling - members enjoy various outings throughout the year including picnics/bbqs; car rallies as well as visits to museums and other places of interest.
Opal Adventures – Coordinator: David Tindall Four to five times a year, members utilise their seniors opal ticket to enjoy a mystery days outing. They are told to meet in a particular carriage of a particular train and then follow their intrepid leader as he leads them far and wide. Outings are not limited to Sydney but can range from Kiama & Berrima in the south; Lithgow in the west and Newcastle in the north. The trip may, at times, include a visit to a museum or other place of interest.
Tours – Each year club members take the opportunity to travel together to a particular location either within Australia or overseas. In our short history we have visited Bright, Murray River/Kangaroo Island, Cairns, Moree and the Hunter Valley. Overseas trips have been Hawaii, Vietnam and New Zealand (cruise).
Proby - Club Mascot