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Welcome to Greenway Combined Probus


Greenway Probus Club brings together retired and semi-retired people in fellowship and friendship for

As a Probus Club member you will be entitled to access exciting benefits


Based in Canberra's beautiful Tuggeranong Valley, Greenway Probus Club draws its Membership from the Tuggeranong Valley, Woden and Weston areas.

We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month, from January to November. Meetings are held at the Vikings Lanyon Club in Conder, doors open at 10:30 for an 11:00 start.



A Message from your President

June, 2024

Dear Members, 

As members of Greenway Probus we belong to a wonderful group of people. Probus helps us to stay connected within our community. Participation is very important for us all, but it's especially important for those of us who are less mobile or find it difficult to get out of the house. Gail L and Linda T are doing us proud with their wonderful line up of future outings and events, and we want you to participate in things that interest you. If you would like support to attend an activity (e.g. getting there or during an activity), please let us know. We'll try and help you. Together, we are stronger.

It's getting colder in Canberra and heaters are definitely being turned up. I read recently some retail electricity tariffs are going up by almost 12% in July. Most providers offer a range of plans and some are cheaper than others. If it’s been over 12 months, since you reviewed accounts being offered, then maybe it's time to look for a better deal! Everyone's usage is different and some bills are very complex so you should compare plans based on your actual usage, preferably over a whole year, especially if you have different usage patterns each season. Ask a ‘switched on’ family member for help. If you can't do that but want some help, I just went through this process with my mum. I have a spreadsheet we can drop figures into for comparison purposes. It’s really easy to swap providers, and loyalty is admirable but you need to be able to afford that heating!

Lets have some fun!
