AUS: 1300 630 488    NZ: 0800 1477 6287

Local Outings

The club undertakes up to half-day outings to local places of interest, mainly in the "Dry Season" between April and September. They are notified in the monthly Newsletter and at meetings well in advance of the event. Occasionally these outings are linked to a monthly Dining Out visit to any one of a number of local restaurants.

Combined Outings

Where one of the local Probus Clubs organises an outing that will include one or more overnight stays, it is generally made open to all members of the local clubs, but subject to number restrictions. In recent years these have included:

A bus trip to Katherine; and

A bus trip to Kakadu National Park.

Interstate or Overseas Tours

These events are not common or regular, however, in past years a few of our more adventurous members have enjoyed trips such as:

  A cruise to New Zealand in 2014;

 A trip to Norfolk Island in 2015; and

 A cruise to Singapore in 2016; 

 In December 2023, 12 locals visited Norfolk Island. 

 (Photo: Six from our club and six from Darwin Probus Club)




Another trip in February 2024 - a cruise from Darwin to Singapore - attracted 15+ members.

(Five from our club and ten+ from Darwin Probus Club). 



On 15 February six members head off to Sri Lanka for a 13 day tour - details of the trip once they return.