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The Probus Club Of Rouse Hill was founded on Friday 26th June 2015. The Rotary Club of Rouse Hill headed by President, Robert Bredin, sponsored this meeting, paid all the costs, helped set up the room and provided a magnificent morning tea. This small but enthusiastic club also gave our new Probus Club a donation of $100 to help with our start up costs.

We thank them for their generosity and friendship.

Also attending the Foundation meeting were representatives of Probus South Pacific Limited and Rotary District Chairman, Adrian Hallett, and an impressive number of folk interested in joining Probus. The formalities and induction of the Management Committee were dealt with speedily and we had a Club.

2015 Foundation Committee

President: Yolanda Seach                              Vice President: John Mazlin

Secretary: Ron Miller                                      Treasurer: Marilyn Forsythe

Membership: Peter Blockley                          Welfare: Diana Sharpe

Tours/Outings: Yvonne Webb                        Newsletter: Vacant/Barry and Yolanda/Lester Morris

Guest Speaker : Moyra Miller                         Publicity: Barry Seach

Hospitality Officer: Ann Waters                      Public Officer/Risk Management: John Mazlin in July.

Rotary District Representative: Adrian Hallett.

Adrian Hallett attended our first committee meeting with many useful documents, including the first Constitution and By Laws, insurance certificate of currency and copies of the roles and responsibilities for all office bearers.


First official general meeting 24th July 2015 and Past President, Lester Morris, was our first guest speaker.


All members who joined and became financial at the foundation meeting and the July 2015 general meeting, became Foundation Members.