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The Entrance Probus Club Inc.                     .



Report for July 2024    Tom Roach.


Whilst , Helen , our President is away on holiday I am acting President and will chair the July general meeting. 

At our recent committee  meeting I raised the need for an annual budget to be prepared for the forthcoming year 2025/26 .. This would be done around November each year. The committee fully agreed and monthly income and expenditure can be monitored in relation to the proposed budget expectation.

This year we have seen increased costs, and we are the only club that does not charge for morning tea. Probus is taking 40 % of your current membership as their fee.  Other Central Coast Probus clubs are now charging $ 65  annual fee and $ 4 for morning tea.

Each meeting our expenditure ( cost of morning tea and purchase of raffle prizes ) is far in excess of raffle income.

To address this shortfall, as an interim measure, the cost of raffle tickets will increase by one dollar to three dollars from the August meeting.


Tom Roach

Vice President.

A  message from Diana Cooney who looks after the attendances. Could members who are not able to attend a meeting please contact her prior to the meeting on 4332 9064 or 0423988102

Random Thoughts:

The biggest lie I tell myself is…”I don’t need to write it down”

Wouldn’t it be great if we could put ourselves in a dryer for ten minutes and come out wrinkle-free and three times smaller!

I don’t trip over things I do gravity checks! 



 President:    Helen Taylor 0418612900         Secretary:  Judy Bayliss 0428251146

Attendance & Apologies-Di Cooney-43329064    -0423988102

Meetings held on 4th Tuesday of each month in the Bias Room of The Bateau Bay Bowling Club                                                                                                              


Treasurers Julie Commins OAM  June 2024
Income for June 2024 was $960.10 which mainly consisted of , Christmas in
July Cruise $210.00,  Membership payments Including badges $480.00,  Raffle
takings $$152.10, Theatre $118.00.
There were expenses of $4698.80. Mainly Consisting  of :  Raffle Expenses
$77.30, Refunds $85.00, Badges $20.00 , Avoca Theatre lunch reimbursement
$175.00, Wyong Race Club tickets $390.00, Probus South Pacific Capitation
Fees $1729.00, Nova Cruises Christmas in July $2222.50.

Net operating balance of  $2929.90
The Cash reserve account stood at $3712.61 Total club funds at end of  June
2024 - $6642.51

In general, it would be greatly appreciated if you could make payments online ensuring you include your name(s) and the event.
If you wish to deposit funds directly into the Probus Account please give
your Probus number to the teller.

Cash is always ok at meetings 


Westpac Account BSB: 032 525  A/C 751399. Give your surname and item description (eg: Smith).




17th July. Xmas in July Cruise

20th August Pranzo Italiano  11am Tumbi Community Hall

15th October Lunch Japanese Gardens   at own expense

3rd December Christmas Lunch at Mingara.


BBQ REPORT –  Wendy McRobie


The next luncheon planned is the “Pranzo Italiano” on 20th August. I will need access to a kitchen for this event and plan to book the Tumbi Community Hall again. There will not be such extensive preparation for this lunch, s there was for the High Tea, and planning in my head is well under way. I would like those attending to add to the theme of the day by wearing red, white or green something Italian (Gondola dress). The menu as follows or similar: Small antipasto entrée, lasagna & salad ,tiramisu with beer & wine. $15 per person.

Attendees will need to bring dinner plate, knives, forks, spoons & wine glass.


SOCIAL REPORT …….Carolynne Roach    

Devonshire tea at Riverside Café was very enjoyable and we enjoyed the gardens once sun came out. Two private booking were made there from our members. Christmas harbour cruise I can tell you about next month 48 members looking forward to it. I’m handing out forms for Christmas tables there will be a maximum of six, if you only have  two, four, or six all good It will enable me to put in new members . I’m sure you all want to be welcoming to our new members and there are six more being inducted next  month so I’ll do my best to make it welcoming to all. Hunter Valley bus for Christmas lights we need 25 to hire a coach if not I have access to a ten seater bus so let’s see how numbers go. This will be first week in January as they then turn lights off , Cost will be sorted when we know who is interested..

.Carolynne. 0459280047 

25-27 September 3day trip to Oberon to visit Mayfield Gardens and surrounds. 22 Members going.

17th August Saturday 2pm Sydney Male Choir. Tickets $45 at Sydney Town Hall.

15th October Lunch Japanese Gardens East Gosford. Names in September.

   3rd December   Christmas Lunch at Mingara.  More details later. Carolynne


Upcoming event

John Farnham-Olivia Newton John Tribute Show

Date Saturday 17th August 

Time 8pm

Venue The Art House Wyong


PROBUS bookings are closed for this show. The box office could advise if seats are still available for anyone interested.


Morning Melodies “French theme variety show”

Date Wednesday 11th September 

Time 11am.Tickets $22.

I’ll take names at the July meeting and if enough people are interested I can enquire about a booking.

All for now

Until next time

Lynne   0401071195


GUEST SPEAKERS –  Jenny Blair 

JULY -   23                Geoff O’Reilly, Solicitor from The Entrance. A return visit

AUGUST  27             Garry Kennedy, Food Security.  Return visit

SEPTEMBER 24       Mike Cruise for a return visit. His talk is “China,,, Friend of Foe” 

WELFARE REPORT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Margaret Mahoney 

Emily Hamill’s son passed away and a card has been sent. Our President Helen is not enjoying good health at the moment in Queensland. Lynne Dodds and Carolynne Roach jave both had trips to hospital but are home and recovering 


The next probus bowls v Glengara is not until mid October .I will be taking Names in September for this event.

 A  Bateau Bay bowling barefoot bowls morning then lunch at the Club .  The cost will be $15 per person and lunch at own expense. A date is to be advised.

I will be determining a selection policy and will be selecting our teams for the October game.  Our side will not be limited to “The Entrance probus members , bowling experience and skill are what we need to play a highly skilled Glengara group.    Tom 



Bill Daniel

Robin Hearder

Jennifer Lea-Tutton

Diane Metz

Tom Roach  




Treasurer. Julie Commins   OAM   0429608050

Vice-President. Tom Roach  0402249455

Judy Bayliss   0428251146

Assist Sec. Lyn Lennox   0458332012

Social Convenor. Carolynne Roach  0459280047

BBQ Convenor. Wendy McRobie 0439811831

Theatre. Lynne Beale. 0401071195

Welfare. Margaret Mahoney  0408624086

Bowls. Tom Roach  0402249455

Raffles. Mary Anne Greck. 0403715497

Bulletin . Jenny Blair  0407206557

Guest Speakers Jenny Blair   0407206557

Diana Cooney Attendances & Membership  0423988102

Julie Bowd. Probus Cluster Representative

Public Officer.   Julie Bowd















  Meetings:  4th Tuesday of each month 10 a.m..Venue  The Bateau Bay Bowling Club           






Anyone interested in accessing Active Retiree Magazine can do so via the Probus website for this. retireesdigital subscriptions.

And we have a website where you will find a copy of the newsletter.