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Probus Club of Willoughby Inc.

Willoughby Probus provides an opportunity for retired and semi-retired people to keep active mentally and physically as well as enjoying social interaction. We are a club of some fifty men and women and welcome enquiries from those interested in joining us.

When and where we meet
We meet at 9.45 am on the third Tuesday of each month in the Chatswood Bowling Club, Gordon Ave, Chatswood. Just around the corner from Pacific Hwy. The Club provides plenty of free parking. Come and to listen to our guest speaker, socialize and enjoy a cuppa.

The club organizes an outing each month. These outings are planned as day activities, lunches, walks, picnics, guided tours of places like the Art Gallery, Sydney Town Hall etc . Occasionally a day bus trip is arranged usually in conjunction with other Clubs in the area. Trips in recent times have included visits to the Historic Air Museum at Albion Park, Canterbury Races, Historic Macarthur region and Camden. Come and join us!

Probus is a non-profit- making club which is sponsored by Rotary.


Contact our Pam on (02) 9958 0011 (President)