Guest Speaker for February
An in-depth study in chronological order into the development of Australianradio broadcasting stations covering over 100 years.Bruce Carty started his interest in radio at the age of five as a member ofthe A.B.C. “Argonauts Club”. By seven his radio interest was listening to A.B.C.news broadcasts. By twelve Bruce avidly followed the 2UE TOP 40, obtainingtheir weekly listings from a local music store.At fourteen he became Australia’s youngest commercial radio stationannouncer in 1963 at Katoomba with radio 2KA. He used to pester theannouncers to let him panel for them. One day they were short an announcerso Bruce was asked to step in. So started his radio career. Later in Brisbanehe studied announcing, script writing, and program production with a Schoolof Broadcasting at Brisbane radio station 4BC. Bruce then studied for histechnical Broadcasters Operators Certificate of Proficiency, with lectures inBrisbane by P.M.G. engineers. These lectures included examinations on thetheory and operation of a 2,000-watt transmitter with water-cooled valves.His involvement in radio covered many years and included establishing andvolunteering with several community stations such as Radio Yesteryear and2CCC (now Coast FM) in Gosford.Clearly Bruce has a lot of very interesting stories to tell us.
MARCH 11 – NO GUEST SPEAKER AS IT IS OUR AGM.Further Guest Speakers will be announced in future Newsletters