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Our 20th Anniversary was celebrated with a luncheon on the 11th October, 2021 at the McLeod Country Golf Club. A total of 64 members and guests attended the luncheon.

Our thanks go to the organizing sub-committee, ably led by Darryl, also the MC on the day, and assisted by Gill, Helen, Joan and Chris, for organising and preparing the event and also to the staff of the McLeod Country Golf Club in providing and setting up the Westlake Room for our event.


Preparations for the luncheon commenced at 10am with the help of the members of the sub-committee and some volunteers. Everything went very smoothly except for running out of helium gas for the balloons with Marian putting up her hand and making a quick trip to the local shops to replenish our supply.

Attendees were warmly welcomed by Helen and Joan, who also handed out tickets for the lucky door prize of a free drink – every attendee won a prize! Guests mingled and viewed the memorabilia table, other decorations and claimed their door prize.

At 11:30 our President, Rob officially opened the festivities and welcomed members and guests, including Colin Melvin, President of Kenmore Rotary and Lindy Morrison, Probus Regional Liaison Officer. Rob also read out a list of apologies and a telegram (received in email form) from Ian and Cathy, who are currently travelling in the outback, wishing us all well on this memorable occasion. Rob invited Colin Melvin to talk about the history and relationship between Rotary and Probus. Colin then presented Rob with the PSPL Certificate in recognition of our Club’s 20th Anniversary. Lindy Morrison was next to speak and talked about the importance of members to volunteer to be involved in Club activities. Lindy presented to Rob on behalf of our Club, the Regional 20th Anniversary certificate. Colin Melvin was than invited to present our founding members with Brooches for the ladies and a Pin for Geoff. Juliana and Joanie, founding members, were invited to speak. Both spoke engagingly about their involvement in our club’s history. President Rob then handed over proceedings to our very capable MC, Darryl.

Entrée was ably served at 12 noon, with an alternate drop of a “traditional caesar salad with croutons, bacon, egg and parmesan cheese” and a “thai beef & rice noodles salad with coriander, ginger & lemon dressing”.

Our in-house entertainer, comedian and song writer, Con, talked about his experience with shingles on-board the maiden voyage of a ship. And then sang his rendition of “shingle bells, shingle bells …”. Our MC, Darryl, then presented gold medals to long time Activity Group convenors, to acknowledge their support for these groups over the years.

After a very delicious lunch was enjoyed by all, our capable MC, Darryl, entertained us by conducting two competitions, “guess who” and “who would you like to invite to dinner – guess the celebrity”. These competitions were in the form of powerpoint presentations. The “guess who” competition was compiled from member photos of themselves as a late teen or as an early adult. Each table of eight members, jointly, had to guess who it was and to write their guess on a pre-prepared quiz sheet. This produced much fun and hilarity. Another powerpoint presentation then displayed the member photos again with the member name attached.

Following the competitions, afternoon tea/coffee was served along with celebratory cupcakes.

Our President thanked the MC and the organising sub-committee for all their efforts in making this a successful and memorable occasion. He also thanked the inhouse staff for looking after us so capably and then declared the celebrations over at 3:30pm.