Committee for 2024-2025
Our Monthly General Meetings for members, visitors and guests are held on the third Wednesday of the month at the VICTORIA PARK BOWLING CLUB - 18 Kent Street, East Victoria Park.
Guest Speakers
January - Peter Prout: Author / Teacher / Mentor
As a published author, Peter seeks opportunities to teach about his research findings, and to mentor and encourage people in their life journey. His published work is focused upon community, mentors and mentoring, and the positive role of elders in communities. The Swampland of Shame: Addresses how mentors and transformative events helped me navigate my way out of the swamp.
Recommended by Chris Dyson
February - Selva Stenross
Principal Legal Officer, Citizens Advice Bureau.
Selva will be speaking about Wills, Enduring Powers of Attorney, Guardianship , advanced Health Directives and Applications for Probate
Meetings commence at 10am and finish at noon.
It's best if you arrive a little earlier so that you can register with the Attendance Officer and pay the $5 entry fee which includes a raffle ticket.
General business is conducted in the first half hour of the meeting followed by a generous morning tea. During morning tea you are encouraged to mix and mingle and enjoy the Probus principles of fun, friendship and fellowship.
Morning Tea is always provided at the meetings through the courtesy of members.
Payment for special events can be made online EFT: BSB 036-037 Account Number 628445