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                                                             GENERAL MEETINGS  

Dr Ralph Hampson

We meet for two hours from 10.00am on the second Tuesday of each month at the Whitehorse Civic Centre, in the Willis Room.

This comprises a brief general meeting, outlining important club matters and a summary of the most recent Management Committee meeting.

Morning tea and socialising is followed by a guest speaker or entertainer.

All are invited to a post meeting lunch at a local venue.

Immediately below are planned speakers. Further down are comments on each presentation, once presented.


2024 Guest Speakers/Entertainment Planned

February -Emma Barnett - Yarra River Keeper


April - Jeremy Furness - Book Publishing Children's Books

May - Peter Koens Cardio Vascular X ray technolocy. Assisting underdeveloped countries.

June - Yvonne Poker - Gadget Girl

July - Christmas in July - no speaker.

August - The Golden  Age of Musical Comedy

September -

October -

November -

December -


2024 Guest Speakers/Entertainment, So Far

June - The May speaker, Yvonne Poker, The Gadget Girl, was a fun speaker. She had a huge display of gadgets available for dsale to the members.

A great gadget which you slide on to a tube (toothpaste or similar) and as you slide it to the top it squeezes the toothpaste out. I love them.

An umbrella hat which fits onto your head and leaves your hands free, a facial hair remover, can and bottle openers and a gadget to insert in the car door hinge to assist you to get out of the car, to a pick up stick to save you bending.





April - Our April speaker was Jerermy Furness. Amongst other things Jeremy is a publisher and author of Children's books.  Jeremy outlined how difficultit is to become a successful book publisher in Australia. Most authors either cannot get book accepted or if they do it is not profitable. The publishers want to own you and your work and this is not conducived to successful publishing. 

Jeremy outlined how doggedly he had to pursue his passion for self-publishing. He made sure the technical aspects of his books were correct, including illustrations and that the text was perfect.

Jeremy has combined his love for motorcycles - ridden from a young age (and still does) with storytelling.

The illustrations are supberb, colourfful and have great character.

Additionally, Jeremy's wife is a long term and well known illustrator. This makes them a great team.

Some of Jeremy's well-known books are -

- Barry The Bike and The Hardware Truck

- Barry The Bike and the Sidecar

Jeremy is selling these books into both America and the UK.  Quite and achievement!



March - AGM. The President, Gerry Cross, in his AGM report thanked various groups for their support in 2023/ 2024. The club has grown in numbers and a range of activities indicate that Mitcham Nunawading is a vibrant club.

Several members are taking up new roles at a club level: Vice President - David Phillips; Secretary - Dale Perkins; and General Committe - Patricia Fincham and Ray King.

Gerry, once again, is assuming the president's role and he indicates that new pathways for the club would include a review and change to the Mitcham Nunawading probus website and the Management Committee's decision to use only one bank - Bendigo Bank - for financial transactions in 2024/ 2025. He indicated that the club's financial situation was healthy and that there would be no change to the existing $45 club annual fee.

At the General Meeting which followed the AGM, there was discussion about a possible use of an electronic funds transfer system.

As usual, the monthly general knowledge club quiz grabbed members' attention however, this month, the degree of difficulty was much higher - a score of 13 out of 20 won the chocolates.

February- Emma Barnett - Yarra River Keeper. On the 13th of February, Emma, a member of the group ("Yarra Riverkeeper Association" ) which looks after what her group calls Yarra, Birrarung, gave an excellent talk on this waterway and natural life force of eastern and central Melbourne.

Check out their website to stay updated with all the latest news, upcoming events and Yarra knowledge.


January - David Morris: "What have the Romans done for us?". New member, David, a former civil engineer, presented a thoughtful PowerPoint presentation on the impact of Roman infrastructure on modern society. David listed 33 reasons (arches, aqueducts, roads, bridges, domes, central heating, sanitation centres, etc) why today's citizens

 should be grateful to Roman engineering.