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                                                         Sunday Lunches.

Sunday lunches occur on the fourth Sunday of each month (except December). These are usually held at various hotels, parks and restaurants in the mid-Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. 

Attendees are requested to indicate their intentions at least two weeks prior to the date of the lunch.  

To book a place contact Meryl on 0407 042 572.

See below for 2024's lunches planned and held, so far.


August - Warren Glen Nursery and Cafe

July - no Sunday lunch due to Christmas in July.

June -18 memnbers travelled to the Doncater Hotel on Sunday 23 June to enjoy a pleasant meal in friendly, local surroundings. The verdict was - good food - good service - good value.

Member Bill Thom especially enjoyed the day - it was his birthday and beer gifts were well received.

Photo: Neil Jenkin.

May - On a beautiful sunny Sunday, 20 members enjoyed a yummy lunch at The Food Republic in Blackburn.

Our placement in the restaurant was very cramped but we were warm and snug. In summer our area is an open area but the plastic blinds and heaters kept us warm.

Thank you again Meryl for organising our beautiful meals.

Photos: Sue Mathews




April - On Sunday 28 April, 17 members ventured to the Waverley RSL to see the military displays and enjoy high quality food.

Thanks to Meryl for co-ordinating the April Sunday lunch. 

Thanks to Neil Jenkin for the photos.
















March - Another successful Sunday lunch on Sunday 24 March, when 23 members enjoyed the fine food provided at the Knox Club in Wantirna South. The Knox is well known for its reasonably priced meals.

No doubt we shall return later in the year for another lunch.

Thanks again Meryl for organising the lunch.


February - This Sunday lunch was on 25th and was a BBQ at the Cross residence in Nunawading. BYO drinks and there was a $20 per head charge for food.




Lunches, so far.

January - Picnic lunch at Maranoa Gardens on the 28th. As usual, on the 4th Sunday of the month, members gathered for a luncheon feast however, this time, it was an outdoors setting in Balwyn. In lovely weather, members dined under the trees to participate in nature, first hand. Maranoa Botanic began in 1901 when John Middleton Watson purchased 1.4 hectares of land to plant Australian and New Zealand native trees and plants. As members discoved on this beautiful day, Maranoa is a suburban plant oasis.


March - Another successful Sunday lunch on Sunday 24 March, when 23 members enjoyed the fine food provided at the Knox Club in Wantirna South. The Knox is well known for its reasonably priced meals.

No doubt we shall return later in the year for another lunch.

Thanks again Meryl for organising the lunch.