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I would encourage members to attend the PAWA event Lunch at Pasta in the Valley - details under outings. Here is a chance to meet and catch up with members of other Probus Clubs and support the work that our state body PAWA does. Thanks to Anita Searle for arranging a booking at the Love and Latte Restaurant for Munchers outing. I was in the vicinity that morning, so I happened to be the first one there for a change. I find attending Munchers is a good opportunity to get to know club members. The food was pretty good too. I am looking forward to this month’s guest speaker Rebecca Fitzpatrick from Holyoake. They run programs for both people with alcohol and drug issues and their families and associates. I have been through two of their programmes and found them very helpful in coming to terms and getting on with my life after being brought up with an alcoholic father. As a footnote to this story, my Father finally came to terms with his problem, took the oath and never drank again for the rest of his life. Cheers Chris.