Friday 24th March 2017 at 9:30 am at Grace Joel 3rd floor Recreation room.
1 Wallace Bottomley chaired the meeting
- Welcome to New Committee for 2017: Brian Matthews (ex Officio Minute Secretary), John McDermott, Hugh Hickman, Don Shaw, Tim Donaldson (a quorum);
and by invitation to Past Presidents: Graham Wallace, Bill Brabazon, Owen Diggelmann, Noel Vallance, Bruce Robinson; and Roy Bain as liaison for Grace Joel Village.
- Apology from Bob Clements.
Sustained WB / HH
- Minutes of previous Committee meeting 24th February – circulated and taken as read.
Accepted WB / DS
- Arising: Correct the spelling for ‘Homes” (no ‘’l”).
5 Evaluation of AGM on 3rd March 2017
- 1 visitor – having seen our advertisement and invitation
- Main speaker – Margurite Vanderkolk “Auckland Zoo” was excellent.
- Minutes of AGM – Circulated and taken as read.
Approved (as permitted by Bylaw III (h)) JMcD / WB
6 Correspondence:
- Auckland East Combined Probus exchanging newsletters
- PAA – Reminder meeting Friday 10th March at Manurewa Cosmopolitan Club
- PSPL – Invitation to join as a Member. Recommend to incorporate your Club.
- PAA – Report of PSPL Rep to promote Clubs (147) becoming Members
- PSPL – Membership return
- Glendowie Bowling Club – list of dates in 2017 to hire clubroom
- Resignation by Murray Homes
- Pepperjacks – unpresented cheque.
Received and approved WB / HH
- Secretarial: The web page now includes the last Committee Minutes (demonstrated during the morning tea break). Google search arguments “Probus” and “Glendowie”
- Treasurer’s Report:
- Financial report for 2016-17year (as was presented at AGM) was tabled.
- Reissue a cheque to Pepper Jacks ($594.00)
Approved WB / JMcD
- Pub Charity audit for 2016 can now be finalised
9 Membership Officer: DS will report names of no shows to elicit concern about them
10 Visits officer’s Report:
- Scenic drive via Kauri Grove to Hallertau Brewery at Riverhead will be promoted at the May meeting after application of a grant by Pubs Charity for Bus ($600).
11 Speakers Report:
- April Main: Kevin Lamb – “Age Concern” Mini: none needed
- May Main: Maurice Mihotich – “This is my life”. Mini: Bob Clements
- June Main: Peter Maxwell – “Cornwall Park Farm” Mini: New topic?
- July Main: Andrew Adams – “From Pharaohs, Kings …” Mini: Outsider? TBA
12 House Manager’s /Steward Officer: This appointment is urgent and subject to approval by GBC (for access and standards expected). An honorarium ($50) could be approved.
13 Almoner’s Report: Nil.
14 Newsletter: WB will edit (tone down) his “Future of the Club” discussion paper.
15 Probus Auckland Assoc. BM reported a meeting that he attended on 10th March.
- 16. Notice of Motion at the next general meeting – “Discuss the future of the Club”
WB circulated a paper analyzing: Issues, causes, actions taken and strategy about conducting the next general meeting. For Past Presidents’ advice, see next page.
17 Further business: TD will not be able to attend the next Committee meeting. Therefore, without further nominations, there will not be a quorum. Nevertheless, this meeting may proceed at the risk that any resolutions passed may be invalidated if the next Committee meeting does not approve the Minutes.
18 Next meetings: General 7th April to discuss “Future of the Club”.
Committee 21st April 9:30 am, Grace Joel Village 3rd Floor Meeting concluded at 11:35 am.
Approved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Advice and suggestions by Past Presidents at Committee Meeting 24 March 2017
- Issues:
- Committee vacancies (4). Quorum of six is needed at each meeting
- No House Manager - needs to be a Member of GBC. RB will seek clarification
- Insufficient audience numbers (15 apologies and no shows) is an insult to speakers
- Membership (50) below critical mass – it should be 100
- Filling a bus for trips without having to resort to other clubs to join us – effort required.
- Threat of winding up if issues 1 and 2 above persist – just as occurred with Glendowie Ladies Probus Club.
- Reasons:
- Rotary have relaxed their retirement age, thereby abandoning their project “Probus”
- Average age of Members (83)
- Competition by U3A and entertainment provided by retirement resorts
- Pervasion by new technologies providing entertainment.
- Remedial steps taken over the last three years:
- Whip around ($1,400) when Club was insolvent in March 2014.
- Applied for grants ($2,000 p.a.)
- Had conversations about amalgamation with St Heliers Mens’ Probus
- Appealed to Members to invite visitors with intention to recruit new Members
- Admitted ladies to Membership
- Shoulder tapped Members (10) to accept nomination to Committee.
- Action plan:
- Newsletter to include President’s analysis to start discussion about future of the club
- At next general meeting, call for nominations for Committee. Begin with House Manager
- Ask selected Members (10) to join the Committee and publically hear their excuses
- Hold subscriptions already paid, in case of need to refund
- Meanwhile send delegation of Past Presidents to persuade some to stand for the Committee
- Call for notice of Motion for a Special General Meeting (in June) to wind up the Club.
Past Presidents in attendance:
Graham Wallace (1993)
Owen Diggelmann (1998, 2009-10)
Bill Brabazon (1999)
Noel Vallance (2005)
Bruce Robinson (2011-2)
John McDermott 2014-2015
Brian Matthews (2006-7, 2016)