Minutes of a General Meeting held at Glendowie Bowling Club rooms. 25 Chelmsford Avenue, Glendowie, at 10.00am on Friday, 7th July, 2017
Notice This being a regular general meeting, no special notice of the meeting is required other than what is usually published in the Club’s July newsletter No 363 mailed to all members on or about 29 June 2017. Newsletters usually contain a message from the President. Perforce he sent an e-mail on 6th July 2017 to most Members.
Presidents message
The President announced that the Management Committee is dysfunctional because it is inquorate, so it had not been able to adopt minutes of previous meetings when it did have a quorum. In particular, he stated that a motion would be put to adopt the minutes of the SGM held on 5th May 2017 when the motion to wind up the affairs of the club was passed.
Present President Wallace Bottomley (presiding), and 25 members as per the attendance register.
Quorum A quorum was present, (being not less than 25% of the current members totalling 45 as at this date).
Apologies Were received and sustained from about 9 members as per the attendance register.
Motion Moved by Brian Matthews, seconded by Roy Bain, “That the minutes of the SGM held on 5th May 2017 be adopted”.
Votes for the motion 24; votes against 1. Therefore the motion is carried. The minutes containing decisions made at the SGM on 5th May are adopted“. This means:
- That the motion to excuse short notice for that meeting are excused, was carried 33 to 1. Tim Donaldson asked to be named as objecting to this motion.
- That the Probus Club of Glendowie shall wind up its affairs was carried 31 to 3.
Confirmed by the Committee at its meeting on 21st July 2017.
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . .