Information for prospective members.
The Club is a non-profit organisation that promotes fun, friendship and fellowship in retirement. Club members come together for a general meeting on the first Thursday of each month at 9.00 am for 9.30 am at the Gaythorne Bowls Club, 18 Prospect Road, Gaythorne. The Club also has an activity programme and specialty groups including craft, book reading, theatre and movies.
Prospective members should consider the Club’s rules and the conditions of membership and ensure it meets your aspirations.
Requirements for membership - Attend at least three of the monthly Club meetings and one activity.
Complete the Application for membership and the Registration for outings and tours forms.
Return the completed forms to the Membership Officer by email, to the Club Post Office address or at a Club meeting.
The Club is an Active Club with members participating in monthly meetings and various activities throughout the year.
In considering if the Club is suitable for you, you should consider your intention to be an active member joining in with the activities and undertaking roles within the Club, e.g. membership of the committee, providore; setting up the meeting room, leading an activity; and other tasks that are required to enable the Club to function smoothly.
Prospective members are advised that activities may require walking, using stairs, trains, buses, and venues with difficult access and crowded environments.
This is an excellent way to get to know other members, make friends and contribute new ideas for the Club.
Club Membership fees.
The fee for new members is due on acceptance of the Application for membership by the committee and prior to induction. There is no reduction for couples. (All Fees are reviewed annually with members at the Annual General Meeting held in March.)
Current Club Fees are:
A Joining Fee of $15 which covers the cost of your Club Badge.
Annual Membership Subscription (currently $30 p.a. for the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024). A pro rata amount is calculated by quarter based on when the prospective member is inducted.
Annual renewal fees are due on the 1st April each year. (Subject to review each year).
Payment methods.
All payments for Club membership, outings and tours are to be paid to the Club Treasurer.
Payments by Direct Bank Transfer are preferred; or by EFTPOS at a club meeting.
Probus Club of Stafford Inc bank account listed below.
Westpac Bank (Brookside Branch): BSB 034090; Account No. 235879
Please include details to identify your payment, eg, [SURNAME and ACTIVITY] and send an email to the Treasurer confirming your payments.