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Welcome to the Stafford Probus Web Site.

Friendship, Fellowship and Fun

Stafford Probus meets at Gaythorne Bowls Club each month (except January) on the first Thursday, commencing at 9:30am, finishing  by 12 Noon. 

Next Meeting:-   Thursday, 1st August 2024.                                                       

The club was formed in 1990 and currently has 90 plus active members. The aims of the club are Friendship, Fun and Fellowship.

Meetings consist of reporting on the club's  management, quite a bit of chatting and  morning tea.  A guest speaker is arranged for most of the meetings and we have had many interesting and informative presentations over the years on many subjects.

Activities are announced and proposals aired for level of interest. There is time for many jokes and stories and some serious chatting as we catch up with the goings on of friends.

The Club arranges many activities for members throughout the year. These activites range from morning teas, lunches, theatre events, day trips  as well as  short travel excursions.

Looking for some fun and friendship, then you may like to consider joining us.

The Club welcomes new members.

To join, contact our membership secretary to arrange to visit the club.

We encourage prospective members to come along to 3 meetings and to participate in at least 2 activities prior to gaining membership.

One condition of membership is for members to join in the running of the club, assisting with morning teas and participating on the committee. This is a very easy way to be involved and meet a wide group of members; as well as having a bit of fun.