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Important Notice to Members Booking and Attending Club Activities during COVID 19 Restrictions

                 President's Report July 2024

The club event to tour the harbour and learn about the Japanese submarine attack on Sydney harbour was very well attended and a great outing. Personally I was surprised how much I learnt about both the attack and the pre attack reconnaissance by the Japanese. 

The Presidents Tour to the Batemans Bay area is now finalised, with 24 of our club members attending. We are looking forward to visiting the attractions of the south coast in September when it should be warmer than at present. 

Planning is proceeding for the Clubs 30th anniversary and it is planned to finalise details by the July committee meeting. It will be a dinner in late September, with the venue yet to be finalised. 

John Vickery 


Membership Renewals for 2024/25 are now due! 

Membership Subscriptions for the period 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025 fall due on April 1st. The annual subscription remains unchanged at $95. 

At its meeting on 11th December last year, the Committee adopted a prudent break-even budget for Calendar 2024 and resolved to keep the annual subscription unchanged at $95. 

As expected, Club Turramurra has increased the monthly cost to hire the meeting room by $10 (6.25%) and the cost of the morning teas by 50c each (10%), while Probus South Pacific Ltd has increased the Capitation Fee by $2.25 per member to $19 (13%). The Committee has formed the view that the club can absorb these cost increases, while keeping the subscription unchanged, conditional on strong subscription renewals and continuation in gaining new members. Interest earned on the Term Deposit will also assist. 

Payment can be made either: 

  1. By Electronic Transfer (preferably) to the Club’s bank account; or 
  2. By Cheque or in Cash to the Treasurer. 


Bank Account Details 

The Club's Westpac bank account details are: 

BSB Code: 032-089. 

Account Number: 146781. 

Account Name: Probus Club of Bobbin Head Inc. 

If using electronic transfer, please be sure to include your name in the transaction reference. 

On behalf of the Committee 

Michael Fairclough Treasurer 1st March 2024 


                             Probus Insurance  -  Please read

A little-known fact is that if a member’s partner/spouse who is not a Club member attends meetings or outings of our Club three times or more per Probus year (that is, 1st April to 31st March), they are required to pay $16.75 per annum to our Club (the amount was previously $15.00 per annum).

Our Club then passes this amount on to Probus South Pacific and means that the person concerned is covered by Probus South Pacific’s insurance should there be any reason to make a claim.

Partners/spouses are always welcome. Please let the Secretary or another member of the Management Committee know if the above information applies to you.



Events/Activities COVID-19 Rules

The NSW Government has relaxed all Covid-19 restrictions as they apply to our monthly meetings. Although it is preferred that all members be fully vaccinated to attend any Probus Bobbin Head (PBH) event/meeting: 

  • there is no need to pre-register with the Club Secretary, prior to the meeting;
  • there is no requirement to log-in to the Turramurra Bowling Club (TBC) QR code and show the TBC representative their official Covid-19 vaccination certificate as proof of vaccination;
  • masks are not required but may be worn by the individual if they wish to do so; and
  • no social distancing rules apply.

New Members

We welcome new members who are keen to expand their activities and friendships. Please join us if you are interested in participating in the Club.