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Probus Club of Bobbin Head



The wide ranging topics that our speakers present are a highlight of our regular monthly meetings. They are often an inspiration for further study or interest, a centrepiece for conversation within a wider group of friends or simply a wonderful enhancement of knowledge and understanding.

We have heard how the Harbour Bridge climb was finally established after many years of hard negotiation and effort, what the sequence of events were over a period of 100 years leading up to the first world war and we have been inspired by the life story of Australian of the Year nominee, Ambre Hammond, one of our great Australian musical talents.

Upcoming Speakers

August 08 Dr Richard Harris   Medical Adventures

September 12 Graham Sims   Aussie Free Spirit Bea Miles

October 10 Robert Eales (Author) Emily Hobhouse The Compassionate English Woman

December 12 Noteable Theatre Company

 Past speakers

  • Judy Horton presents "Australian Gardens Past & Future"
  • Dennis Cowell "Fun with Fotography"
  • Andy Kelly "Ice Cream"
  • Daniel Coulton "Coal Seam Gas"
  • Gary Cook "Sydney's Historic Buildings"
  • Professor John Hamilton "Ancient and Modern History of Iran"
  • Jean Harmey “Graphology - All About Handwriting”
  • Detective Superindent Deborah Wallace -Detective Superintendent Commander, Gangs Squad
  • Dr. Bill Brooks - "Facts about Dementia"
  • Alison Houlihan - "An Overview of Sydney Harbour"                 
  • David Rosenberg - "Inside Pine Gap"
  • Andrew Phippen "The Life and Times of James Cook"
  • Bob Davis - "The Bee Man"
  • Andrew Rogers - "Submersible exploration of the Titanic".
  • Don Eyb - "Training horses for the Olympics"
  • Kristine Pezdirc - "Statins and our Health"
  • Tom Sweeney - "Willoughby Theatre"
  • Paul Adam - "Chocolate"
  • Chris Maxwell - "Master of Hells Gates"  
  • David Hunt - "Girt by Sea"